
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

All I Want to Do Is…

…Snuggle up in a blanket and read my new books (while eating leftover Greek walnut pie topped with whipped cream, of course).

But…the kids and hubby finished most of their books in less than 24 hours. And the house needs to be cleaned. Laundry needs to be done. Christmas decorations need to be put away. Rooms need to be organized. Pictures need to be blogged. Birthday party needs to be planned. Movies need to be watched (Skyfall with hubby tonight, Les Miserables with book club girls tomorrow evening, The Hobbit with Levi Friday evening?).

Meanwhile, I still have children who need to be parented. {imagine that} And they don’t seem to want to spend the whole week quietly snuggled up with books. Especially the two year old:


And the six year old:


Would anyone like some post-Christmas children? I promise they make life very…exciting.


Terri H said...

Send me the six-year-old! I have one of those as well...they can be exciting together.

Hannah said...

Yeah, I was thinking when you posted on FB about your family's phenomenal reading accomplishments that clearly, they didn't have a two year old hampering their progress! Great photo of said two year old, btw.