
Saturday, August 31, 2013



Two weekends ago we attended our 25+ annual family reunion (of my dad’s siblings and their descendants). The big change this year was that we (well, my parents and Shannon and Ben) hosted the reunion for the first time. It was a huge undertaking, but Shannon is a master event planner. The weekend went so smoothly, and the weather was beautiful.

Not everyone was able to attend, but that is to be expected. We did have all 7 siblings (including my dad) and spouses, 11 cousins (out of 21) and spouses, 15 second cousins (out of close to 40?), a couple significant others, and a baby (3rd cousin) all together.

The garden was a lovely spot for spending time together, eating and talking.


On Saturday we had our traditional asado (an Argentine BBQ), but this time Casey agreed to cook the meat on his Traeger grills rather than have Dad man an open fire pit. We had the BBQ going for sausages.


And of course we had to have tomato and onion salad. And dulce de leche on bread. YUM!!!


Volleyball is also a tradition.


The flags represent different countries in which various family members were born.


Salsa making—another tradition.


Potato guns. Another tradition.


Sunday morning we had a short family church service. Casey played his guitar.


The seven siblings.


With spouses.


Sunday happened to be Leif’s 7th birthday, so we tacked on an ice cream cake (we did the splash pool and out for ice cream with friends this past week also—I’ll post pictures of that next). The outside of the cake melted quickly and the frosting wouldn’t stay put (and Leif insisted on placing the candles himself…).


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013

Hi, Friends


Thanks for coming here and visiting my world. I’m so grateful for each and every one of you.

How are you? How can I help or encourage you? Do you have anything you would like to share? Any questions?

Are you ready for fall? What is your favorite season? What are you most looking forward to in the next few months?

Is life in a steady rhythm for you, or are you facing a new or difficult season?

Tell me something about yourself. What would we be surprised to know about you? What unexpected stories do you have to tell if only someone would ask the right questions?



Lola: I want to ride on an airplane.
Me: I’m sorry, honey; you’re too little.
Lola: I not too little. I’m a big girl. Dey need me.


Russ went down to the airport early yesterday morning to wait in line for a couple hours (before church) to sign Levi and Luke up for free Young Eagles flights while I got the kids ready.

After church, we did a little more waiting.


And more waiting.


Sometimes cheerfully.


Sometimes not-so-cheerfully.


So we gave the children more sugar. ‘Cause that totally works.


Finally, it was time.


Shannon and Ben (and Rilla) hung out with Lola while the big boys were up in the air. They watched the helicopter take off.


The boys returned.


And helped Poppy load up his military display with Uncle Ben and Aunt Holly (while I braved Costco with Lola and Leif).


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Fair, (Junk) Food, Foreigner, and Fireworks


I have no hope of catching up on all my photos if I can’t clear my schedule. We have something going on almost every day. And I can either do stuff or post. Not both. I’ll still be posting summer pictures in November at this rate.

This weekend was the local Art and Air festival, just a couple miles from our house. We didn’t even watch the balloons lift off in the mornings—just too tired to get up that early, I suppose. The past two days were filled with a whole bunch of waiting. And waiting. I decided that life is 50% waiting, 45% mess, and 5% action. Ha! But that isn’t my grateful heart talking, it’s tired mommy. Anyway…

We didn’t hang out very much at the “fair” part of the fair. But I had a hankerin’ for a funnel cake—with the works. This is the pretty picture. Which doesn’t come close to the reality of a family of six sharing the sucker. Quick, everyone eat as fast as you can and whine that someone else is getting more than you are. Uh-oh. Tired mommy talking again.

More junk food waiting for the Foreigner concert to begin.


At least it was a gorgeous evening (between a few sprinkles in the afternoon and full-on rain this morning).


Shannon and Ben joined us for Rilla’s first rock concert. I know Ben, and this won’t be Rilla’s last.


Foreigner was excellent.


And the other 20,000+ people thought so too.


The night ended with a fireworks display.


Friday, August 23, 2013