
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More Photos

I know, I know... I've posted a lot of photos lately. I just can't help myself. I really have been doing a few other things around here. We took the boys to see Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. We visited my favorite spot again. We've been reading. We've been playing in the sprinkler. We've been spending time with my grandparents, visiting from California. I went to book club. Leif had the stomach flu. I got my hair cut. Levi has gone to piano lessons. We're getting ready to go on vacation. We rode on the beautiful carousel in Salem and visited the State Capital. You know, LIFE.

Today, we had a wonderful visit with friends. Lori is up from California with her little guy. I photographed him back in December. Boy howdy, has he grown! And, oh my, is he a doll. I took one look at him when they arrived and told Lori, 'You are going to let me take pictures of him today, right? Right?!' What do you think?

Jameson Collage (3)

Jameson Collage (2)

Jameson Collage


  1. These are so lovely, Heidi! Thank you for photographing our little man.

    "Can't help lovin' dat man of mine!"

    Lori & Jameson

  2. He IS a doll baby! The shape of his face reminds me of mine at that age. So sweet. Congrats on all your photos ops lately!

