
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mt. Hope Academy 2011 ~ Week 1

singing hymns

After a year of laid-back schooling, we're getting into a new groove. Time to get down to business!!

Classical Conversations: Week 13.
Bible memory, history time line, Star Spangled Banner, presentations (public speaking), science experiment, famous artist/art project, geography, history/science/Latin/grammar/math memory work, and gym/social time.

CC Memory Reveiw (Daily)

Sing the Word From A to Z (memorized verses A, B, C, and D)
Children's Illustrated Bible (Luke, read aloud)
Day by Day Kid's Bible (Levi, independently)
The Early Reader's Bible (Leif, read aloud)

Come Thou Almighty King (Levi on piano)
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow (Luke on piano)

Fine Arts:
Read about William Blake in A Child's Introduction to Poetry
Memorizing The Tyger by William Blake
Read Haydn's biography page at Making Music Fun
Beethoven's Wig: Haydn's Great Surprise (CD)
Rembrandt coloring page

Geography Songs: Scandinavia
Around the World Coloring Book: Scandinavia
Countries Around the World: Finland (DVD)
Countries Around the World: Sweden (DVD)
(CC Geography review/drawing Europe)

Grammar Island (pgs 1-43)
Dearly, Nearly, Insincerely: What Is an Adverb? by Brian P. Cleary

All About Spelling: Introduced and studied phonograms

HWT work book pages daily, Proverbs (Levi)

Song School Latin: Ch. 1/review, 2/review

DVD lessons: month 1/week 1/lessons 1-2

Telling Time (DVD)
Time flashcards
Worksheets Daily

Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia: Phases of Matter
Bill Nye: Phases of Matter (DVD)
Bill Nye: Inventions (DVD)
Bill Nye: Magnetism (DVD)
Bill Nye: Space Exploration (DVD)
(The Inventors' Specials) Newton: A Tale of Two Isaacs (DVD)
So You Want To Be An Inventor? by Judith St. George

History Encyclopedias (Usborne-Luke, Kingfisher-Levi): Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution: From Muscles to Machines
Mill Times (David Macaulay) (DVD)

Levi's Assigned Reading:
(January 3-16th)
Robert Fulton: Boy Craftsman by Marguerite Henry (190 pgs)
The Story of Eli Whitney by Jean Lee Latham (192 pgs)
The Great Wheel by Robert Lawson (192 pgs)
Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics by Charles Ludwig (205 pgs)
Brainstorm! The Stories of Twenty American Kid Inventors by Tom Tucker (144 pgs)
Favorite Fairy Tales Told in Sweden retold by Virginia Haviland (92 pags)

Family Read-Aloud:
Little Britches by Ralph Moody (ch 7-11)

Great Americans for Children: Amelia Earhart (DVD)
Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride by Pam Munoz Ryan
Star Spangled Banner illustrated by Peter Spier (and sang daily with CD)
Prepared presentations for CC Week 14 (New Testament story/parable)

Luke piano practice M, Tu, W +Lesson, F, S

Free reading daily.


  1. So cool! :) Love seeing others schedules!

  2. That sounds like a lot of work!! Those kids are going to be so smart. Wish I had had all that exposure to good learning when I was in school!!! Grandma

  3. heidi, do you have your oldest doing narrations or keeping a journal about all of his assigned reading? our oldest is just a bit younger than yours (like by 9 or 10 months) but is a book lover as well. he can digest a LOT of pages in each reading time, but i'm always torn about whether to have him do narrations about them or not .... and i can't always keep up with his pace of reading to have questions prepared to ask after he's finished each assignment/book. (he chooses his own free reading from what we have lined up on his bookshelf, which are carefully chosen titles but are more in the spirit of fun-loving escape reading like "children of noisy village," et al. )

    i love seeing what others are doing. we're doing similar things at home; in fact, we just started AAS the first week of january and are loving it. there are other similarities. i've followed (okay, spied and lurked but never commented) your blog for about a year now. i can't find time to maintain a beautiful blog as so many of you ladies do, but i so appreciate the time you each spend posting and cataloguing life as a homeschooling family. it really is helpful to so many! and thanks for the posts where you keep it real :) those are *just* as helpful!!

  4. Mirandi~ At this time, I don't have Levi do narrations or journal entries about his reading. I SHOULD, but I haven't. ;-P He needs a lot of help with narrations and writing (reading he does easily, writing...not so much), and I just haven't been able to do that concentrated one-on-one work with him this past year. He reads a lot and I don't have the time to pre-read, much less work on narrations with him.

    I did have him narrate the SOTW chapters we did last spring, but we are on hold with that until CC is done in April. We are going to be working on writing this year with our new language arts program, so I'm excited about that, and I hope that AAS helps him with his spelling.

  5. thanks, heidi, for the reply. :)

  6. Heidi,
    What made you switch from Sequential Spelling to All About Spelling? (I'm considering the same change)

    . . . We just started Write Shop (Book C) with my 10 year old & it is painless & not too time consuming.

  7. I also started with Sequential Spelling towards the end of April last year and finally ditched it in favor of All About Spelling in late October and have been so glad I did.
