
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Guess what Lola is getting for Christmas.


A baby….












{Congratulations, Shannon and Ben!!}


Don’t they still look like newlyweds?
They’ve been together for almost 20 years and just celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary!


Skeller said...

:-) Congratulations to your whole family!!!

Ariana Rose said...

Oh my gosh for a second I thought you were pregnant and I was in shock!!

Congratulations to your sister and her husband!! YAY how exciting!

Heidi said...

Heh-heh... I was just messing with you. I would have been in shock, too. Honestly, though, I think I'm more in shock over my sister being pregnant than if I had found out we were having another one... :)

Timi said...

Congratulations to your sister!!!
It's a very good news :o)!

Heasleye said...

You had me going for a second! Yay for your sister and hubby!!!

carole said...

Haha - I didn't think it would be you, and yet - last night I had a very odd dream about your family, so when I saw the title of this post it definitely gave me pause. :)

Yay for another cousin!

Hannah said...

OK, my heart just skipped a few beats. Seriously.

As I say to my kids: "Heidi, IS THAT KIND??"


(But seriously, congrats to your sister and her husband. That's grand news!)