
Sunday, September 20, 2009



It's candid week at i heart faces.

I don't know if this qualifies for candid, but I captured this image of a knight
while watching the jousting tournament at the Renaissance Faire this weekend.

Lots more photos coming up this week...
as soon as I get my nose out of a book...


Mon Cheri said...

Way to go Heidi!

tiff(threeringcircus) said...

Wonderfully candid!

MrsW said...

oooh - likey! Much

I've come over all in a need of being rescued...

AliC said...

Great capture, definitely candid!!

Anonymous said...

I think it is great. Excellent choice.

Jessica Marie said...

Great photo! Love the shhhhhhh!

Melissa G said...

Oh i love it! It's not every day we get to see a knight in shining armor! Very cool!

Unknown said...

I love it : ) He is a cute knight for sure! I think I am going to try to take Kaish to that fair this weekend. Is it in Lancaster? I didn't know you were close to me!

Heather said...

This is very nice!

Unknown said...

Love it.. love the guy too ;)

TidyMom said...

Love it!!!.......and like Tanja said, that guy is not hard on the eyes either! LOL


Tracey said...

That is a beautiful candid! Great job!

MadeInCanarias said...

Wow, what a cute knight. Great shot!

I'm having my first giveaway, come and have a look :)

Shannon said...

I think it fits perfectly with the theme. Love the coloring, nice shot. P.S. What cuties you have on your sidebar, this is my first time here.

Jessi said...

This is so well done and so funny to me...are knights supposed to shush people?? :)

Mrs. McFadden said...

beautifully candid!

Suki said...

Very well captured. I love the colours in it! Counts for me as a completely candid moment.

Rosina said...

Of course this counts!! This is beautiful. I love how close you got (way to go, zoom lens??) and it's so crisp and sharp. Great choice!

Gry Offernes said...

Gorgeous!! So clear and crispy!!

Unknown said...

when i saw your posting, i had to check your profile to see where you are from because i figured it was Oregon! i was out to diner after the OSU football game this weekend and ran into a group of women still dressed up in their renaissance garb - of course they were asked why they were dressed up, and they talked about the fair!

great picture, hope you enjoyed the weeekend :)

*Heather said...

Very cool!

Puna said...

Very nice! It take me to the moors!

Skeller said...

Perfectly candid, methinks.

Perfectly dashing, too!

And won't you have fun with this "candid" shot, trying on all the different presets in LR?!? ;-)

Skeller said...

ps... you ARE going to share what you're reading that's so good, aren't you?!?

Heidi said...

Yes, I'm positive I need rescuing, as well. I feel a faint coming on...

Not Lancaster.... Outside of Corvallis, Oregon.

Yes, zoom lens. We had a great view, but not quite that close. :)

Book, you ask? Well, I'm on book #4 of the romance recommendations I received recently. Unfortunately, this one is over 600 pages... Not sure I'm brave enough to mention titles... {blush} I have yet to find a well-written, compelling, happy ending, PG :) *romance*. I'll try to review soon, though.

Anonymous said...

What a handsome "knight"!!! Whew...gorgeous photo Heidi! ~Tera

tiarastantrums said...

great knight!

AJ said...

Ooooh, I want to go to the Ren Fest, too! Awesome capture!

Unknown said...

looks candid to me! :-) and it's so bright and crisp - what a great entry!

Maureen said...

What a great shot! Love it. Reminds me of my husband, when he was younger he used to be in medieval times show.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Great picture! And can I just add a "YUM!" in there?

Roxy said...

wow! This is AWESOME! And kind of Hot! lol Nice shot!

Traci Michele said...

I would say so! Awesome photo! Thanks for sharing. Come check out mine when you get a chance...

Carli said...

Wow ... candid and awesome! Totally enjoying my first visit to your site.


Clive and Dawn said...

uh YEAH! he's cute. yum. I mean it's great!!! yeah!!

Shannon said...

NICE candid! :)

IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

I'm looking through the candid photos....and I'm telling you....I would have captured him instead of the pix. LOL


The Bake More said...

Can’t believe you didn’t win!!!! Your picture is my favorite, hands down, out of all 500 entries. Love the color, composition and especially the guy.