
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Miss Lola Colette

Lola Colette

Introducing..... Miss Lola Colette.
Born October 1st at 6:20 am. 10 pounds. 22 inches long.
(More to follow.....)


Anonymous said...

She's so beautiful! Congratulations to the whole S family! May she sleep through the night, smile and never fuss, and peacefully eat all types vegetables forevermore.

Much love,


Barb said...

10 pounds!!! Oh, my. She is wonderful. I am sure you are bursting with joy - as is your entire family. Congratulations and I can't wait to see your girly pictures. Blessings and Joy - Barb

Kristi @ Creative Kristi said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! How beautiful! Enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!

dawn said...

Lovely! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your newest love! She's beautiful... Destiny

Bella Rose said...

Congratulations on your sweet baby girl, your world is forever changed... in the most amazing way possible! She's beautiful... I adore her name!

Anonymous said...

Oh Heidi! Hooray for pictures! Lola is so beautiful!! So precious and sweet! Truly gorgeous!! I can't wait to meet her!! :)

By the way, our offer to hang out with the boys still stands.

So very happy for all of you!


Laura said...

Congratulations, Heidi and family! She is precious! I look forward to seeing more pictures and hearing what those boys think of their little sister. I hope you are getting some rest. Take care!

Jennifer said...

Oh, she's a doll! And with a beautiful name! Hope you are well. So happy for all of you!

Laurel said...

Thrilled for you and your family. SHe'll be the little princess:)! (I had big brothers ... its all true). She is beautiful! Congratulations!

Meredith said...

Oh, how pretty! So happy for your family.

MomStarr said...

Although I am a stranger to you we are sisters in Christ and I rejoice with you on this gift of a new covenant child. She is adorable. God be with you and your precious family as you all welcome her and drink in her loveliness!!! Our God is indeed the Giver of good things. Momstarr

jodi said...

yay! i was waiting all weekend to see pictures. and she is
b e a u t i f u l
i love that picture--so pensive, as if she's saying, "*that's* what all that noise was" heh heh
love and blessings from the east coast,
jodi in pa

Alysa said...

Beautiful and precious. What a joy-filled bundle. Praying for rest for you in the coming days.

Jennefer said...


Oh wow!!! She is amazing. And so are you for carrying a 10 pounder!!! ;) Can't wait to "watch" this little grow up with her sweet brothers.

Many, many blessings,

~beautyandjoy~ said...

You are a champion!! And she is just gorgeous! I adore her name. <3

Julia said...

congratulations! love her name. :) i'm sure you're all completely and hopelessly in love already (esp. the boys and dad?)!

Anonymous said...

She's beautiful Heidi! Thanks for updating us. Congratulations to all of you! God bless!

Rachel P. said...


Anonymous said...

congratulations and blessings to you all!
she's adorable. and a smart one too. she knew she needed to start out at 10 pounds to keep up with all those brothers!
what a joyful time. love every minute of it.

Mab said...

She is beautiful! Congratulations to the lil princess addition to your family! Hope you are recovering well H.

Jessye said...

so sweet!!!!

jeana said...

Yay! I've been waiting to see pictures...just knew she had made her arrival by now. Congratulations, she is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Heidi :) Great news ~ Welcome healthy baby girl! Love, love the name! Blessings to you all! ~Connie in Tualatin

Laura said...

That's a lot of 10's!! Birthdate, pounds... =) I'd say she's a 10 out of 10. Cute!!

Tsh said...

Happy happy day, Heidi! Congrats. She's a beauty... And I love the name. Enjoy these early days.

Anonymous said...

We are so happy for you that she is finally here! She is beautiful and of course we aren't prejudiced at all. After all, she is our 15th great grandchild. Those beautiful hands and adorable face. Can't wait til we get up there to see her (and of course, all of you. Lots of love from grandpa and me.

Anonymous said...

She is a darlin'!! Blessings to you and your beautiful family! Her name is just perfect. What a gift!

Jennifer Johnson said...

Oh, she is precious! Look at those eyes! Congratulations to you and your family. Take care of yourself!

Timi said...

She is a little princecess!

Heather said...

Oh, how perfectly adorable! Rejoicing with you, Heidi!
What a precious gift. The Lord is good.
Congratulations to you and the whole family.
Much love.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! She is beautiful!
Welcome little one!

Zee said...


Stefani said...

Oh goodness! Just look at that beautiful little lady!
Big congratulations to you all, Heidi!

Renee said...

She is so darling! Congrats! LOVE the name!

Rebecca said...

I *KNEW* it! I knew she had come! COngratulations on your beautiful, aptly named wee princess! What a darling introductory photo too! She is precious! Can't wait to hear (And SEE-don't disappoint!) more!

YAY! So happy for you all.

(And look at us-with our 10 pounders! She and my guy almost look like twins from that photo. Amazing.)

Stephanie said...

Congratulations! What a beauty. : )

Kendra said...

She is beautiful. Congratulations to you and your lovely family.

Anonymous said...


Jennifer said...

So happy for you! She is perfect. :)

Precision Quality Laser said...

Absolutely precious!

Diana said...

Congrats to you and your family, Heidi! Can't wait to hear of all the adventures as the boys welcome their baby sister :)

Kelli Z. said...

CONGRATS! Beautiful name and a beautiful baby :). I'm sure her brothers are loving her up!

Stephanie said...

Congratulations! 10 lbs - WOW!!! She's beautiful and what a precious blessing!

Hannah ~ Carys Home said...

She is so beautiful! Many well wishes to your whole family. I love her name!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! On October 1st, 2010 we were celebrating my 7 year old daughter...also a 10 pounder! She is lovely and looks like she is about 6 weeks old! Enjoy! :)

Ariana Rose said...

That's a gorgeous picture! Congratulations! I had my baby last week. I can't believe Lola was 10 pounds! Can't wait to hear more about it all :-)

se7en said...

Just popped over from Simple Homeschool and their she is!!! Beautiful... So beautiful!!! Well done to you... I hope all your hopes and dreams for her come true!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! What an adorable name! She is so precious! Hope you and the family are enjoying her and adjusting well!

Hannah said...

Congratulations, Heidi! Wow, you are a CHAMP for delivering a 10-lb baby!!! She's almost out of newborn sizes already! She's lovely and so is her name. Hope you're getting some rest and pampering ...

Hannah said...

P.S. When I thought about what you might name your wee lassie to blend harmoniously with your L-lads, I thought of "Lila." I was only one vowel off! ;-)

Beth said...

What a beautiful blessing for your family. While we (her adoring fans and pauperize) are all waiting eagerly for pictures and stories please know we will WAIT! Enjoy your first precious weeks and REST (I didn't say "sleep"- wink. wink. because we all know how little of that you'll get) knowing that your bloggy world will be here when you get back! I'm praying for you as you make this lovely transition to 4 and for the boys and daddy as they need to share you. heart-felt congratulations on your beautiful gift from God as you mold and shape her into His image for His glory.

Christy Murphy said...

Congratulations! So happy for you all. She is precious!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful little girl!!! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

She is precious, Heidi. I'm so happy for you and your family. Enjoy Lola. I love the name too!!


Melissa said...

She is so lovely, and so is her name. Hope you all are doing well and can't wait to hear more....

Beth said...

Gorgeous baby, gorgeous name--you and your family are so blessed!

10/01 is my daughter's birthday :)


Jessica Stock said...

She is beautiful!! Congratulations!

trinward said...

What a gorgeous little girl creation you have fostered all these months! God is so amazing (you are too!) Congrats, she is beautiful! Katy thinks so too! :)

Carrie said...

What a beautiful little GIRL!!!!!