
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What's in a Name?


Lilac. Hmmm. Levi, Luke, Leif, and Lilac. Has a certain ring to it.

Actually, that isn't one of the names on my list, though it would go well with my sister's botanically-named girls. (And just to be clear, no, we don't yet know whether we're having a boy or girl.)

Want to add any? Names to the list, that is. Now's your chance.
Just because naming babies is fabulous entertainment.

Already used: Levi Jefferson, Luke Monroe, and Leif Benjamin.

Names I wish I could use (last name clashers):
Swift (Laurel, that's just the coolest boy name, ever), Sylvie, Sawyer, Stella, Simeon...
Golly, I'm a one-letter-wonder, aren't I?

On the LOVE list: Beck, Hazel, Violet, Byrne, Lark, Wilder (Bella Art Girl, that's just the coolest girl name, ever), Per (Colleen, I want a Per, too!) , Wren, Adelheid, Ilex (Holly, if you hadn't used it, I would have. Well, if I had a girl.), Willow, Annika, Jude, Rilla, and Helm.

Looks like I'll have to have a few more kids....

ETA: I'm having fun with all the names in the comments!
Esme and Elle are perfectly lovely.
Lots of L names to choose from: Lucie, Larken, Lyric, Lincoln, Lilith, Lachlan, Lola, Laurel.
Whew! What will it be?


Jennifer said...

You are so right... baby naming is fabulous entertainment! I also have a whole list of S names that will never be used because of our last name. Love Wilder, Willow, and Wren... I'm all about W tonight.

And I happen to know Laurel's little guy Swift. He is as cool as his name!

Anonymous said...

Lily, Dahlia, Ella, Willow... Hmm. I guess I like girl names with an 'l' in the mix.

Boy names? I think you're just gonna *have* to find an L name you like- you can't have one that doesn't match the rest! :)

Lark, Logan, Lincoln...

Laura said...

I LOVE Annika! But I agree -- you might need to keep going with the "L" tradition...

How about Lacey, Liam, Lela, or Libby? =)

There are tons. I love thinking of names. My husband and I regularly spend date night listing off baby names....

Cassie said...


Sarah at SmallWorld said...

I think Laurel goes great with your L names and with the botanical theme. I know there are other Laurels out there, but we have only met ONE adult Laurel. My daughter loves her name! If we had another daughter (which we won't), her name would be Iris.

Kelli Z. said...

Hi! Your "name" friend here :). I totally agree on keeping with the "L" theme, I know that means you'll end up like the Duggars but it would be sad if everyone else has the 4 letter L name and then along comes little Wilder :).

So with keeping with that theme... Liam, Lane, Link, Lake, Lucy, Lily, Lora, Lola

And some other L's that aren't 4 letters, Lottie (I LOVE this name, mainly because of the character in A Little Princess I think), Louisa, Leo

Deidra said...

I agree, stick with the L's! girls names: Lilith, Lotus, Lyric(a), Luna, Lake, Lacey, Laurel, Leonore, Lucie, Leighton
Boys names: Lance, Lucian, Lark, Landon, Liam, Logan
Middle names for boys..Quincy, Jackson. There's so many..have fun choosing!

Heidi said...

Jennifer~ Yes, Wilder, Willow, and Wren sound beautiful together! Makes me want to name triplets. :) Or Hazel, Violet, and Lark. I think Helm, Swift, Beck, and Jude sound like an awesome 4-pack of brothers.

I'm loving all the names! Thanks for adding to my list, everyone. :)

Rachel P. said...

I've always liked the name Lillian for a girl. It's somewhat flower-like without being too obvious. And as for a boy's name, I like Lucian as Deidra suggested. I would give more suggestions, however I have had a terrible time naming my own children! Baby three, currently on the way, is now officially named but not after months of each evening being ended with a naming conversation between my husband and myself. I hope you and your husband don't have that problem.

Susan said...

Boy- Lander
girl-Lily (Lillie), Lauren, Lucie (love that)

April said...

My brand new baby girl's middle name is Lobelia, also a botanical name. And it fits with your other "L's." It is a flower believed to attract fairies. :)

Beth said...

One needs 9 months just to sift through all of these lovely names! -oh, how bout "Lovely" that would suit you! :) CONGRATIONS, by the way. I haven't had time to comment. My life has been FULL this year (  I'm so happy for you. I've enjoyed reading all of these great name suggestions. I also like Aily and Ivy.

Kelsey said...

I didn't read through all the other posts, but I have always loved Lila and Lily!

jeana said...

I love the names Elle, Lola, Lela, Ollie, Jack, Talby (on Meg's "whatever" blog), Laken, hmmm thats all I can think of. Mostly girl names because I'm in a house full of boys too. Have fun!!

Christy Murphy said...

Lia Faith is my daughter's name. That would fit right in with your "L" names. :) We got her name from Evangelia, which means "one who brings good news". Have fun choosing!

Jen Rouse said...

Rilla! Love it! That's one of my favorite books in the whole Anne series.

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

I'm expecting our first boy in a few weeks, and he still isn't named! I'm trying to decide if I like Ezra enough to stick with it for the long haul. Then there's Asher. Are they too different?

Hmmmm. . . an L name. I love Lucy for a girl. That was my granny's name. Lydia is a beautiful name, too.

As for a boy, I don't know. You've got some good ones already. I'd have to think hard about it!

Sylvia said...


I gave you some names used here in Spain.

Boy: Jan, Neo , Marc, Axel, Jordi, Luis, Nil, Joaquim,Ariam, Ciel,Ludovic ( french name this one), Pau (peace in catalan).

Girl: Lydia, Aroa, Flor, Natalia, Lucia, Lilian, Lorena, Iris, Nadia, Abril, Estrella, Leonor.

Have a good time chosing this name!

Pam K said...

Lili-meaning lily (flower), innocence, purity, beauty with Latin origin; Luis- boy name(loo-eece) meaning famous warrior with Spanish origin

Sonya said...

How about Lila, Lilia, or Lilliana as variations of Lilac?

Lucia is beautiful, too.

So excited for your number 4 babe - we have 4 and feel so blessed. Ours are Kristiana, Mattia, John III and Josianne :) If you needed other letter name ideas......

How about Esme?

Mab said...

Boys: Larson, Lawler, Leor, Lamont, Lachlan, Lincoln, Laird, Leo/Leon, Liron, Langford, Lancelot, and my favorite Lorcan!

I really like the W names on your girl list but I think you ought to keep the L theme. My mom and her siblings and parents were all names starting with B and it made it easy to introduce my husband to the family- if it starts with a B then it is that part otherwise it is cousins and friends of family.

My neice is Legacy nn Lacy. We're considering Lydia for the girl we're expecting. Leonora is one I like. My husband loves Layla and Lucille [but you already have a Luke]. Lena, Lael, Lirit, Loralei/Lora, Lianna, Lila, Linnea, Letitia, Liberty/Libby, Lirienne, Louisa, and I think Lark would be really nice for a girl with the boys' names.

Laurel said...

Love love love "Lark"! But what I really want to know is which founding father the middle name is going to be:)!

Thanks for the shout out for my little guy. I love his name too! Swift is actually his middle name. He was given both of his grandfathers' middle names and in my husband's family every other generation of men goes by the middle vs. the first name (I suppose so you don't get "big and little so and so"). So my Swift is actually the fifth generation with the name. More than you wanted to know!

Have I mentioned how excited I am for your baby news?!

Susanna Joy said...

Chiming in with Lochlan and Loralei. :)

Renee said...

LOVE the names! hOW EXCITING! CONGRATS! I love Lilac. My two favorites for girls are Harper and Emerson. I have no great boy names, either. Keep us posted!!

Elise said...

LOVE the names on your list!! I have a Lillian{Lilly} Reese and we are expecting our second girl, to be named Violet Renn. Our boys are named Jackson Oliver and Thomas Fisher-we call him Fisher. I love to use family names and Renn comes from my Dad, who's first name is Render.
I'm sure you will come up with something fabulous...

carrie @ the boonie life said...

You don't know me. I came across your blog when I googled Susan Wise Bauer a few months ago, and I now I like to check in here every now and then. I love your blog.

I love the subject of baby naming; it's fun. I agree that carrying on with the "L" theme is definitely the way to go. I like Liam, Lake, Link, Lyric, Lila, Lucy, Lily, Landon, Lilith. I know a family that have Lexcee, Logyn, and Laith (boy).

In response to Amy's comment, I have an Ezra and I LOVE his name! I get lots of comments on others who like it, too. And if we were to have another boy, I would want to name him Asher.

Anonymous said...

I'll go with my kids' names: Keeley Shae, Teegan Anthony, Tatum Makenna, Holden Dekker. I can't wait until birth day!!!! ;)

Brandy said...

I love Simeon for a boy. We've discissd it many times; we think of the righteous Simeon who saw Christ in the temple as a baby (not the wicked one of the 12 tribes of Isreal, but everyone points that out when we say we like that name).

I found it interesting that you like Wren. We chose that since we had a girl :) My husband also really liked Lark and Willow (but it wasn't chosen). Our first three girls have word names; Winter, Liberty, and Wren.

Our newest one is Elsa. We were between Elsa, Leisl (var. Leisel) and Elspeth, which are all variations of the same name. More variations of that name would be Elizabeth, Eliza, Betsy, Beth, etc., etc.

I wanted Ruby, but it just wasn't her name. We name our babies AFTER they're born, and look at them to see if the name fits.

Oh, and I was nursing and couldn't comment the other day, but I was looking at your house tour and thinking how perfectly a crib would fit in that spot next to your bed if you moved your shelves and dressers. And then I thought, but, she doesn't need that space. And then I kept reading and laughed when I saw that you DID! It was too ironic.

I also noticed we have the same huge clock, and I wondered if you really always put your bananas on a cake plate. It was very pretty; I liked it! Mine never last more than a day, if that; once the children see them, they get eaten!

I've never seen anyone who liked so many of the same names as we do!

And that's two more L names for you!

Andrea said...

I am a little late but thought I HAD to chime in because my two girls are Laine (Adelaine) and Laura. But I really like Jane and Ellen and if your were swaying from L's. Leigh is a great name. I didn't call either of our two boys this because of hubby but I love the name Lloyd. Old, strong and uncommon.

Aja Jenise said...

Alice, Edy (short for Edith), Ruth, Pru (Prudence)... these are my favorite girl names.

Lily or Lillian... though I like Lilith best, can you spell that with two L's-- hmmm, Lillith. I like that. I say stick with the L's lovey...
