
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I Might Be Crazy Enough…


But I’m waiting until the end of this month to begin. Anyone daring enough to try it with me?

Only meat, eggs, vegetables, and fruit for 30 days. (And nuts and good fats.)

No sugar, no processed food, no grains, no soy, no dairy, no peanuts, no white potatoes, no alcohol, no legumes.

I think that eliminates about 95% of what I eat and drink. Scary.


jodi said...

i'm with you! i started an almost exact eating plan when lent started, but it was really hard when i had to travel out of state for my uncle's funeral.. giving up gluten is the worst, yet i feel so much better! keep us updated, and know you're not alone!

jodi in pa

Anonymous said...

It sounds a lot like the diet Melody is on and she has lost weight on it. The doctor told her she is borderline diabetic and she refuses to go on medication but to show him she can do it with diet. So no carbs especially for her. Grandma

Sarah said...

Maybe, my biggest problem CHOCOLATE - I have something chocolate everyday EVERYDAY. But I know that I need to do something. But I just might do it with you.

Heidi said...

Jodi~ Thanks for the encouragement. I'll need all I can get!

Grandma~ Tell Aunt Melody that I'm very proud of her!! It takes a lot of will power to eat like that...I'm not sure I have what it takes!

Sarah~ Well, I 'NEED' chocolate. And Dr. Pepper. And wheat. And...well, anything but veggies. All. Day. Long. If I can do it, you can. :)

Florida Life said...

Skyler did this for one of his nutrition classes! he loved it. We mostly eat this way now. I used to hate broccoli and almonds and now I crave them...seriously :) Good luck, you can do it!

Rachel P. said...

I guess my only questions would be how you would know you are taking in enough nutrients for nursing Lola and what are your personal reasons for doing it. I hope this works out well for you.

jeana said...

I really might join you. These type of things, even for only 30 days can drag on and on! When we were gluten free for 6 month last year, I lost weight and felt wonderful! I'm like you though, chocolate and coke is one of my almost everyday things. I will definitely be thinking of joining you!

Anonymous said...

It all sounds healthy but what's wrong with legumes? I thought the fiber was good for you. Are you going to share your menu plans? Is your family going to join you or do you have to make different stuff for them?

mdvlist said...

Wow, that's a serious project. If I were single, I guess I might brave up and do it just as an exercise in self-discipline . . . but I can't imagine taking grains and dairy away from my kids. I also suspect that rather than fuss with eliminating entire food groups and trying to figure out what to eat instead, I would just take the easy route and stop eating altogether. That would rather defeat the purpose, although it would *definitely* change my life in 30 days!

Heidi said...

Kayla~ That is good to hear! Do you eat any dairy or grains? Obviously you are breastfeeding while eating like this... Is that going well?

Rachel~ Well, sadly, my eating habits right now are TERRIBLE and this can only be an improvement. If I do it, it will be mostly to reset my eating habits, get rid of some awful cravings, and feel healthier and more alert. The calories and portions aren't limited, and I would eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies and good fats (coconut oil, olive oil, maybe avocados (Lola may be allergic)). I've already eliminated a lot of dairy and legumes because she doesn't tolerate them well. I'm considering adding in one or two grains such as quinoa. She is starting solids as well, so she'll be getting some grains and possible yogurt that way.

Jeana~ Oh, I absolutely expect it to drag on. Sigh. Hour by hour. Maybe even minute by minute. I'm so addicted to awful food!! I'd LOVE it if you joined me!

Well, I had a very delicious split pea soup a couple weeks ago. And Lola screamed and cried all. night. the next night. ;-P I'll share what I'm eating... or maybe 'what I ate' every few days or week. My husband may join me, but I'll fix extra stuff for the kids. Like make tuna fish and I'll eat it with tomato while the kids eat it on whole wheat bread, for example.

mdvlist~ The kids will still be eating dairy and grains. :) And I'm making a long list of things I *can* eat so that I don't go hungry. I HATE being hungry, but if it was a pain in the rear-end to find acceptable foods, I suspect I would also go without. :)

Anonymous said...

Sigh...this is the way I'm supposed to be eating (though technically I can have gluten-free grains)'m in. :( (Yes, sad face, because it's hard, though I feel so much better when I eat this way.)

Ridenour Family said...

I'm doing this! I'm going to start this weekend! I figure there's really no "good time", so why not now?! Hope it works out well for you! (:

Jessye said...

I was with you until you said "no white potatoes"

Heidi said...

Jessye~ Aw, come on. It's only for 30 days. :) No, really, if you want to eat white potatoes, too, then make up your own rules. :)

Shannon said...

Are you serious? Just shoot me now! No cheese, sour cream, milk, or soy. no crispy chips? no sugar? I do think your crazy, but that's not new :) love you and probably SHOULD do this with you...

Heidi said...

Shannon~ I double dog dare you to do it with me. :)

Misha said...

Email me if I can be any support or encouragement at all! That is pretty identical to how we eat - except we have added legumes, potatoes and peanuts back in. And quinoa is a diet staple for us.

I was just thinking this morning how miraculous it has been for us. My daughter has had a deathly tree nut allergy (ER visits and all) and we just met with her specialist and it looks like over the last two years we have done the impossible for her. Ditto on some other health issues for my family that Dr after Dr told us could not be changed.

For me, though, personally the biggest benefit (hands down) is energy - physically and mentally.

It took some time for us to adjust but now we have found lots of new favourite recipes and resources (even for cupcakes etc) and like this way of eating.

I promise I am not a tree-hugger - so if I can be any support in a non tree-hugger way let me know. (Have you already found gluten free goddess, whole life nutrition etc? Great recipes. )

: )

Misha said...

PS Heidi - your recent photos are divine. And I love your take on scheduling. : )

Kelly said...

The legumes are what I would suffer from not eating. I love beans and peas

Sarah at SmallWorld said...

I've been eating modified Paleo, which is much like this one, for a week or so, and I have to say it is AMAZING how great I feel. I basically eat all the meat, nuts, veggies,and fruit I want. I never imagined I could basically give up carbs, but I have not missed them one single bit. I feel so incredibly energetic! Good luck! Modified part: after doing a bunch of reading, I can't justify the legumes part. I haven't had any yet, but I certainly won't feel guilty if I have some beans or lentils.