
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Holly's Homeschool

My sister, Holly, invited us over for a homeschool mom chat and play date. Her house and gardens are incredible. The bright sun was shining, making a less than perfect photo opportunity, but I'll make up for it some other day.

Since my school room/library is in a state of chaos, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to show you her school room. I think Holly looked at me in a state of panic when she noticed I was taking pictures, and I purposely neglected to ask for permission to post them...

Come on in! (Don't you like how I invite you into someone else's house? She's my sister, though, so she'll forgive me.) (Oh, and ignore the crooked photo. That is my next trick to master in photoshop: straightening photos.)
Holly used a bookcase to divide the space and diminish the distraction between Ilex and Drake. The bookcase does double duty as a chalkboard (a little chalkboard paint works magic). I am always battling a fit of jealously over her gorgeous built-in storage!
(The wall opposite this next picture holds bookcases and the computer desk. Holly has made every inch of this room work for her.)
The far corner of the room makes a wonderful reading nook.

Ilex's desk and art projects:
We spent most of the time outside. The kids disappeared.
The ladies chatted. It was wonderful to get together with Heather (from Becoming) again!
Luke followed Ilex's bunny around.
Drake (without peers) found alternate activities such as dirt bike riding and guitar playing. He'll have to ride his bike over to his friend's house another day to get in his social requirements.
Altogether we had 5 ladies, five young ladies, Drake, 3 girls, and six boys! Thanks, Holly, for hostessing!


5 Chicks and a Farmer said...

What a precious school room! I love it.

Have a great weekend.

Skeller said...

Clearly, great taste runs in your families' genes :-) What a beautiful home, school room, yard, and PURPLE DOOR (I love it!!).

Elise said...

Cute home, cute school room, cute door!! Love it!!

Anonymous said...

(Sigh.) I love these posts with all the prettiness. Did you and sis pick the same colour for your school walls? It's really similar to my bedroom and I love, love, love it! ;)

Diane said...

I love your blog! I ran across it over a year ago and lost the link and some how I just came across it again. I'm keeping it this time. :)

I also love your sister's school room. Do you have any idea where she got those children's chairs? That's all I am missing in our school room.

heather said...

That was a delightful time!