
Friday, July 25, 2008

Life: Beautiful

My sister recently shared this spectacular magazine with me, and I want to recommend it to my readers! I have loved very few publications, and this tops them all. I allowed all my other subscriptions expire because the magazines have piled up without being read, but I am looking forward to stopping life for an hour of rest (and a glass of lemonade on the porch or a cup of tea and a blanket) when I receive each issue of Life: Beautiful in the mail.

It is oversized, with heavy smooth pages. Very few advertisements, and none distracting to the eye. Gorgeous photography, inspirational quotes and Bible verses. Similar in style to Martha Stewart, Real Simple, and Cottage Living. Inspiration for the Christian woman. Truly worth the subscription price, and a business venture I feel great supporting! Check out their mission statement.


Anonymous said...

Important alert!!!! Wrong link for Life: Beautiful. See how powerful your suggestions are? I've already tried looking into it!

BTW, more stuff purchased and displayed today!!!! ;)

Heidi said...

Ack!! How did that happen?! Well, just to prove how much time I'm frittering away on the computer today, I already have it fixed, LOL. Thanks for the heads-up!

You know I'll want to see pictures. :)

Anonymous said...

Can you believe that I called a HUGE Christian bookstore (probably the largest in Canada, but who knows) and they DON'T carry it? (And I happen to be driving by there tonight...ugh!!!!) I'll have to console myself by parking myself infront of my new vignettes and thinking about how pretty they are and how you helped me put them together. Yes, that's what I'll do with my evening. ;)

Precision Quality Laser said...

Oh...I can't wait unti I have enough extra fund to get a subscription! Gorgeous!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Thank you for mentioning this. I saw it advertised but passed right over it because I thought it was just another secular decorating magazine and we have enough to choose from on the web. I will definitely be subscribing. I even just let my home school mag subscription end, so it's perfect timing.:)

heather said...

Thanks for sharing this. I looks like a great magazine!

Kelly said...

I picked this up in the spring to read on our flight and immediately fell in love. I subscribed as soon as we returned home, and just received the newest issue in the mail. Yay!

I'm with you- this is such a lovely magazine to read, and well worth the sunscription.

{marie} said...

so in love. ordered. waiting not so patiently for the mail man to arrive. thanks heidi.