
Monday, July 21, 2008

I {Heart} Totally Rad Actions

I had a little spending money burning a hole in my pocket. Hubby gave me his blessing (along with a little technical assistance), and I purchased Totally Rad Action Mix. My house is now an utter disaster. The children are running wild. I'm having a blast. Here are a few before and afters for you from an old (January) Levi photo shoot (since I haven't gotten around to finishing up the Project Heidi post yet...). It is going to take me a long time to get the hang of this!

Straight Out Of Camera (SOOC):

Oh, Snap!, Clare-ify, and Vignette & Blur:



Rusty Cage:


Old Skool:

Punch Out!!!:

Bullet Tooth, Dirty Lovin:

(And just because he is so cute, here is Leif hanging out in the truck while Levi was getting his photo taken.)

Super Fun Happy:


Rachel Berry said...

Those turned out awesome! I too have been wanting to get the totally rad actions. But I have to upgrade my photoshop first. Money, Money, Money. One of these days I'm gonna be Rad too.


Skeller said...

Oh, the envy... you're totally rad-er than I with BOTH sets!! Bullet Tooth and Clare-ify were the two actions that made me ponder forever whether to buy TRA or The Revenge. Can't wait to see more of your playing and creating!

Anonymous said...

I heart it, too! You have to have Photoshop to get it, right? Ok, I can't remember how much it costs (it's from Ree, right?), what was the damage (other than your house falling apart and having awesome photos!)?

Heidi said...

skeller and Rachel~ Thanks. :) I'm having loads of fun!

Caralyn~ Yep. They work with Photoshop. Ree has actions available for download at her site, but these are different. Check out the link in the post for samples and such. The damage... $279 for both packages. Gulp.

Skeller said...

Wanna know the "treasure" recipe I found on the TRA forum? Chenin Boutwell uses this as her favorite B&W "recipe":

Bitchin B&W
EZ burn & adjust to liking (w/ opacity)
Magic Glasses & adjust
Antique Tone & adjust
(might add contrast at end, if it needs it)

It makes a really nice "warm" B&W. Not quite sepia, not quite straight b&w. just nice.

Christina said...

Oh man! I am so jealous! I only have Photoshop Elements, so I can't use those actions. I sure wish I could. The pics look GREAT!

Simply Me... said...

Guy were have I been, look at all the picture's what fun those boy's of your are keepers that's for sure.


Laurel said...

Ok I am simply going to have to chat with the Pro Photo Store guy/gal about the Photoshop/PSE business. The pictures are most definitely ... rad.

Donna Boucher said...

How great!!!!
I'm so happy for you!

Thanks for that recipe. I'm going to try it!

Rox said...

I'm not sure which set to get...I can't seem to want to spend the money for both right now. Which do you like better? I love the first picture you edited!!!

Heidi said...

Rox~ Thanks! I love the first pic, too. I would go with the original package. Most of my favorites (so far) are in there.