
Friday, October 10, 2008

Your Turn

Alrighty, friends. Who feels up for entertaining me?
I've got more conversation questions for you:

1.} Have you ever been to Wisconsin?

2.} What is your favorite ride at Disney Land?

3.} What is one good habit you wish you had but can't seem to learn?

4.} What would your day look like if you could plan the best day-off ever (no limits!)?

5.} Who wants to friend me on Facebook?


Barb said...

1) Yes - it was 1986 for my roommates wedding.
2) Toss up between Pirates and
3) Daily Bible reading - I'm so-so during the week but when the weekend hits - I'm on vacation spiritually and that's not good.
4) I'd be in the Pacific Northwest, most likely North Vancouver in my spacious home with huge picture windows overlooking the bay, arise to the smell of coffee. Fresh berries, croisants, cream, coffee. Walk the woods, smell the trees. Lunch on the balcony. In the Afternoon drive up the coast to have dinner in Whistler. All this would be with my one true love - yes, my husband. The kids would prepare the meals, clean up, read, play outside (together, enjoying each other's presence).
5) Ahh, Facebook. The only thing I do on there is play scramble - a bad habit I wish I could unlearn.

Anonymous said...

1.} Have you ever been to Wisconsin?


2.} What is your favorite ride at Disney Land?


3.} What is one good habit you wish you had but can't seem to learn?


4.} What would your day look like if you could plan the best day-off ever (no limits!)?

OH MAN ....


sleeping in w/ baileys ... a USA Today at my doorstep...a gorgeous sunrise ...a massage .... lunch w/ my husb....key lime pie on the back porch with my kids .... i mean ... the list goes on and on .... i can tell you that it DOESNT include laundry or dishes!

5.} Who wants to friend me on Facebook?

go for it .... Naomi Hattaway :)

Anonymous said...

1) Nope. I`m Canadian, but I`ve been down the coast many times, never to Wisconsin though.

2) Space Mountain, hands down!

3)Getting up early. I`m a night owl. My kids are morning people. It sucks.

4)Hmm, a day off . . . It would be super, super simple. Giant box of big, sweet apples, a hammock under a tree and a huge stack of novels to read . . . in English. That`s it. That`s a perfect day.

5)Sounds good to me, Genesis Davies.

Anonymous said...

1. Nope...
2. Space mtn, no..Pirates of the I have to choose one? Definitely NOT It's a Small World! The most ANNOYING song ever!
3. flossing my teeth! Seriously... I can't do it more than 3 days in a row...
4. It would involve family, beach, warm weather, sun, good food, no schedule, very relaxing and laid back.
5. Already done!

Have a great weekend Heidi!!!

~Amy J.~

Carri said...

1.} Have you ever been to Wisconsin?
No never

2.} What is your favorite ride at Disney Land?
Pirates of the Carribean, Jungle Cruise Boat thing, Dumbo, ugh I cant choose just one

3.} What is one good habit you wish you had but can't seem to learn?
being a morning person

4.} What would your day look like if you could plan the best day-off ever (no limits!)?
No fighting, everyone playing together nicely, spending tons of time together, warm weather, lots of fun, many extra hours in the day, all food and cleaning done for me.
5.} Who wants to friend me on Facebook?

Kristi said...

1.} Have you ever been to Wisconsin? Driven through on the way to other places.

2.} What is your favorite ride at Disney Land? Don't have one since I've never been there.

3.} What is one good habit you wish you had but can't seem to learn? To exercise on a daily basis. I can do it for about 2 or 3 days and then I just forget or find something else more interesting to do.

4.} What would your day look like if you could plan the best day-off ever (no limits!)? The whole day would be spent with my family. The location would either be at the beach with sunny, warm weather or at a cabin in the mountains with interesting trails to hike. There would be no schedule, lots of down time and amazing food that someone else prepared.

5.} Who wants to friend me on Facebook? Sure! Kristi Snyder Blumeyer

KatolinFamily said...

1.} Have you ever been to Wisconsin? Unfortunately no, but I would be willing to make a trip just for the cheese

2.} What is your favorite ride at Disney Land?
Ever since I was little I have LOVED Pirates of the Caribbean. Not sure why, I never liked pirates and don't watch the movies. Maybe it was because my brother was scared and I liked the fact that I was tough enough to take it!

3.} What is one good habit you wish you had but can't seem to learn?
Following through with cleaning up. As I type this, I glance over at my kitchen with the dishes half done and the cabinets wide open.

4.} What would your day look like if you could plan the best day-off ever (no limits!)?
Wake up naturally (no babies or alarm clocks) go to a park and jog with my husband, meet some old friends for lunch and laugh a lot, go out for a romantic dinner cruise with my hubby

5.} Who wants to friend me on Facebook?
Sure! Andrea Katolin

Kathy said...

1.} Yes, I went to Bible College in Iowa and drove to Wisconsin to get my belly button peirced - oh what a rebel I was!

2.} I have never been to Disney LAND, but have been to Disney WORLD many, many times and I always love the Pirate's of the Carribean ride

3.} I wish I could be disciplined to exercise every day, or at least several days a week. It's always been a huge struggle of mine.

4.} On a Carribean Island with my hubby and kids, being served Pina Coladas all day and swimming in the crystal, clear water.

5.} I'll be your friend on facebook! I love facebook! Look me up as Kathy Shields Kerwin =)

Sarah at SmallWorld said...

1.} Have you ever been to Wisconsin? Apparently I have. I was 1.

2.} What is your favorite ride at Disney Land? Um, SMALL WORLD of course!

3.} What is one good habit you wish you had but can't seem to learn? TO put the laundry away as soon as it's folded.

4.} What would your day look like if you could plan the best day-off ever (no limits!)? Husband home. Sleeping in. My house would be spotless. Friends would come over for dinner. The kids would all play outside happily. And the next day would be a vacation day, too.

5.} Who wants to friend me on Facebook? Sure! Look me up as Sarah Small, Knoxville.

Sarah said...

#1 - Not yet. My husband and I want to put the kids & dogs in an RV and head out for 8 -10 weeks. We hope in 09. - We'll see

#2 I've never been. East coast/ southern girl. Plus my dad can't stand amusement parks. We always did the history stuff.

#3 There are too many. I want to be better at exercising - used to never sit down. To be better at daily time with god & my bible. To fold the laundry as soon as the dryer stops.

#4 Only 1-day o.k.
A relaxing breakfast with great reading material. A stroll through some cute & inspirational shops(with money to blow), a long lunch with a really good friend. A trip to the salon for hair & nails, followed by a great meal with several friends under the stars.

#5 I would - but I'm not there yet. I'm still new to blogging & several other things, home schooling for another, but my friend is trying to get me started. Maybe it will happen this month. Too much on my plate.

Kelly G. said...

1. I LIVE there! Best State Ever!
2.Never been... kind of afraid of Cali ;)
3.Housekeeping in general, it always seems to be out of hand.
4. Sleep in till 9, have cinnamon rolls for breakfast followed by Mt. Dew and then lots of sewing, with an afternoon nap and then some more sewing followed by a Jane Austen movie and some cuddles from my hubby. Sorry no kiddos involved, a day off means a day without them when you are a stay at home mom.
5.I despise Face book, am only on there to keep in touch with people who I would lose otherwise. Sorry :( Nothing personal!

Heidi said...

Oh, you ladies are good. Excessively diverting. :)

I think I've sent friend requests to everyone so far except Kathy. I tried, but it said your name didn't have any matches!!

My answers: 1. Yes, I've been to Wisconsin. My parents took the three of us girls on a 6 week trip across the U.S. the summer before my senior year in high school.

2. Probably Space Mountain or Pirates.

3. There are so many to choose from! I wish I was an early morning person and could cheerfully hop out of bed. :)

4. My best day-off is probably a post in itself!!

5. I'll take all the friends I can get about now. :)

Lora @ my blessed life said...

1. Never been to WI, but would love to visit there sometime.

2. Haven't been to DL, just DW...and I love Pirates and Space Mtn.

3. Going to bed at a decent hour

4. Sleeping till I wake up naturally, lots of coffee, a good book, maybe on the beach or in the mountains, some window shopping, lunch at a yummy cafe with a friend, fun outdoors with my family...

5. I haven't done Facebook yet. My hubby does and it looks like it takes up a lot of time. I already spend too much time blogging:)

P.S. I got my 7 random things up last night!

Darcy @ m3b said...

1.} Have you ever been to Wisconsin?
Yup. Grew up not too far from there. Chicago area.

2.} What is your favorite ride at Disney Land?
I'm much more of an Epcot kind of girl.

3.} What is one good habit you wish you had but can't seem to learn?
To fold the laundry the moment the dryer buzzes. Instead, I have wrinkly hampers of clean clothes awaiting me.

4.} What would your day look like if you could plan the best day-off ever (no limits!)?
Sleeping in. Greeted with coffee in bed. Bubble bath. Spend the day reading mostly alone with grown up, enthralling book. Except an hour of two with a lap-full of wiggly boys reading boy books.

5.} Who wants to friend me on Facebook?
I have Facebook, but I'm not sold on it. I prefer twitter. tweet tweet. ;)

Anonymous said...

1. Never...(never been to the States)
2. Never been to Disney Land (crikey, now I sound boring! I'm not I promise! he he
3. Getting up before my children so I get a head start and feel in control of the day
4. Some good food, a tidy space, some nature, some friends, some books, some music, some coffee.
5.Yup...can I email you? or vice versa

Suzanne said...

1.} Have you ever been to Wisconsin? ~~ Never.

2.} What is your favorite ride at Disney Land? ~~ I've only been once, years ago, and I don't remember. Oh and it was Disney World (we're East Coasters)

3.} What is one good habit you wish you had but can't seem to learn? ~~ To exercise regularly (and more)

4.} What would your day look like if you could plan the best day-off ever (no limits!)? ~~ Crafting, with lots of champagne! And maybe a little spa treatment or two.

5.} Who wants to friend me on Facebook? ~~ Hmmm... ;)

Anonymous said...
2. never been to disney land but at disney world it is the carosel of progress. two words,air conditioning!
3.exercising every day
4.It would definitely include a massage,lots of good food,family and friends
5. Love facebook!It would be an honor to friend you,I've gotten so much inspiration from your blog. email me

Kathy said...

that's weird! maybe I can try looking for you ... except I don't know your last name??

Heidi said...

Brantlee and Kathy~ You can look me up... Heidi Scovel.

I'm enjoying the replies. Keep them coming!

Anonymous said...

1} Yes, i was in Wiscinsin that same summer! How weird is that?...Oh that's right, we were in the same moterhome.

2} I just love it all, down to the flower beds. But maybe Indiana Jones? P.S. i'm so excited.

3} I've got so many weaknesses, it's hard to pick just one. But the one that is eternal for me is time spent in daily devotions.

4}A day at my 'special, magic place in the woods' (you know where) followed by a party at my place. Someone else will have had to clean the house of course. Want to come to the party?

5}I'll be your friend in-real-life, I don't have facebook :(


Heidi said...

I'm going to faint. Shannon commented on my blog. :) Yes, I'm coming to your party. Wouldn't miss it! :)

madamspud169 said...

1.} Never been to America - I live in England.

2.} See number 1.

3.} Tidying up after myself.

4.} A hot but comfortable day where all the family is together and gets on. Shopping with no money worries essential to this is a new top of the range laptop. I'd bump into the best hairstylist in the world who would give me the best hairstyle ever then as I leave I'd bump into George Clooney who would fly me to Italy & we'd eat and then...............

5.} I'd love to be your friend my names Amanda Regan location Swindon, England.

Ash said...

1. Nope

2. Pirates of the Carribean and Thunder Mt Railroad. I also love Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse. It was where my family always "started" our Disney trips. Such great memories.

3. Time management - and these damn blogs have not helped one bit.

4. Up at dawn to watch the dolphins play in the surf. A huge stack of books piled high next to a lounge chair and umbrella. A cabana boy at my disposal to refill my glass and serve me a big nasty hamburger and french fries. I would leave only after I watched the sunset. A long hot shower. Then turned down, crisp sheets on my childhood bed, falling asleep under my parent's roof, only to have wonderful dreams of the moment I would be reunited with my three favorite men the next morning.

5. I seriously think I am one of the last 10 people on Earth without a Facebook account. I don't think they let people of my age on that thing. I'll promise to be your blogger friend!


Anonymous said...

1. Yes, I've been to Green Bay for a weekend. Highlight was driving backward through the Packers parking lot with a very crazy friend whose car wouldn't go into first.

2. Space Mountain hands DOWN.

3. Letting spiders live. Slowing down to just experience life in the present at least twice a day.

4. Well, it's coming up in early 2009 (couple of days in Wales while I'm visiting the London office). Me wandering around Great Britain is a scary thought though. I may not come back.

5. Already done.


Anonymous said...

1. Nope, but my husband went to college there!

2. Splash, fun.

3. Putting things away.

4. A sunny beach, Indian food, sleeping in, friends and family....

5. Sorry man...Facebook makes me crazy. It reminds me way to much of Junior high and high school.

Aja Jenise said...

1.} Nope... didn't see the need! You got one?

2.} Pirates of the Carribean all the way!

3.} Piano. Oh and listening.

4.} If I could stay awake 24 hours then I would fit in scrapbooking for 12 hours with the girlie friends. Then family time with a picnic at the park, a stroll at the zoo and then dinner at the Tavern on the Plaza with a movie at the theater.

5.} Uh... Im not a groupie kinda girl! BUT I'll meet you here EVERY day!

Elise said...

1. Never been, but have had snappy cheese curds!! My in-laws are moving to Chicago area so I think I can visit easily enough.

2. Not a big amusement park girl. Never been to Disney, I did work at Six Flags though, and my fave ride there was Thunder River.

3. Only one habit...either exercising or cleaning. Not great with either.

4. Coffee and breakfast out. Perhaps no kids(bad, I know). Antiquing, junking, thrifting. Lunch at a little cafe. A nap!! Crafting. Dinner at a nice restaurant. No cooking, no cleaning, and NO whining!! What a day that would be...

5. Not on Facebook, but do have 2 friends who want me to join. We'll see...

This was fun!! Love it when you want company!!

Anonymous said...

1.} Have you ever been to Wisconsin?

Yes, went through there on the honeymoon of my first marriage. We toured the US for 6 weeks and hit 25 of the states. Neat... but I don't recommend it for a honeymoon.

2.} What is your favorite ride at Disney Land?

It's been so long... I don't know. We haven't taken the boys, ever, since boy #2 can't ride anything anyway. Would kind'of be torture for him.

3.} What is one good habit you wish you had but can't seem to learn?

Planning meals ahead of time. And in a close second... taking my coupons to the store with me!

4.} What would your day look like if you could plan the best day-off ever (no limits!)?

Whats a day off? Not familiar with it.

5.} Who wants to friend me on Facebook?
I just did a facebook page the other day. It is great to find old friends and stuff, but I like being able to make my myspace pretty!
But I would love to have you for a friend!
Heidi Nieuwenhuis

LaNeal Miller said...

1.} Have you ever been to Wisconsin? watch the GFU Bruins win the D3 National Baseball Championship in '04!! Go Bruins!

2.} What is your favorite ride at Disney Land? Raiders of the Lost Ark

3.} What is one good habit you wish you had but can't seem to learn? Hang up shirts as soon as they come out of the dryer.

4.} What would your day look like if you could plan the best day-off ever (no limits!)? Latte, almond croissant, & rich conversation at St.Honore's in Portland with my best friend from college...I'd have to fly her in from Kansas.

5.} Who wants to friend me on Facebook? I would...LaNeal Miller!!

Em said...

1.} Many times, good cheese curds ;)

2.} Space Mountian and Haunted House are tied

3.} To plan ahead

4.} Oh wow - spend lots and lots of money. Eat out every meal, buy clothes, crafts and cute decor for the house, see a movie, have lots of Starbucks...

5.} Sure! Emilie Leyva

Ruth said...

1. Yes, I went with my mother, brother and grandparents. My mother was born in Madison while my grandfather was in school. So we went to rediscover the area.

2. I have never been to Disneyland.

3. I wish I were more organized; putting away papers, clothes, toys immediately.

4. Sleep in, go to the bookstore with a coffee. Find some trees to go for a walk with my family amoungst.

5. I do! Facebook is a lot of fun. Ruth Mes

Laurel said...

1.} Have you ever been to Wisconsin?
Nope - never. Deprived child.

2.} What is your favorite ride at Disney Land?
Hmmm ... only been once - ET was fun.

3.} What is one good habit you wish you had but can't seem to learn?
Being tidy in general!

4.} What would your day look like if you could plan the best day-off ever (no limits!)?
Oh there isn't enough time to write all this! It wouldn't just involve what I would do - it would be the temperature, the setting(s) - it would involve natural beauty, surises/sets etc, the ocean ... true love. etc etc.
5.} Who wants to friend me on Facebook? Being your bloggy friend is more fun. FB is a little creepy!

Heidi said...

I'm still enjoying the replies! It is fun to hear from so many of you!

Amanda~ I couldn't seem to find you on facebook. I must be 'search challenged.' :) If you want you can find me... Heidi Dunbar Scovel.

Anonymous said...

1.} Have you ever been to Wisconsin?
Nope, lifetime west-coaster

2.} What is your favorite ride at Disney Land?
Oh man, I could never pick just one. I went to college 15 min away and I've lost track of how many times I've been. I'm craving it so badly. :-P If I had to pick, Peter Pan's Flight

3.} What is one good habit you wish you had but can't seem to learn?
Daily Bible reading... I want to but it seems the harder I try the harder I fall.

4.} What would your day look like if you could plan the best day-off ever (no limits!)?
No limits? It'd be longer than a day :-P Probably go back to our honeymoon spot with my DH and just enjoy it, cuddle, read, walk the beach, whatever.

5.} Who wants to friend me on Facebook? I am a Facebook addict! Valerie Higgins, Biola University

Holly said...

May I join in the fun more than a month late? I'm a little (okay, a lot) behind on blogs...and most other things these days!

1. Yes, for a family reunion in someone else's family.
2. Must be Small World. I'm not a ride person, but I'm great at holding the cotton candy while others go on rides.
3. Oh, to be a morning person! Someday...someday...and it won't be because my kids force me to be one.
4. I would wake up in Salzburg, have the amazing breakfast that was served each morning at the hotel in Vienna that I once stayed in (hey, no limits, right? I could be in Salzburg and still have the Viennese breakfast?), wander the shops and sites, stop for coffee and pastries, sit in silence in one of the breathtaking cathedrals, and walk for miles and miles through the countryside (again, if there are no limits, then I could walk for miles and miles in those hills without tiring).
5. I'm afraid I would be too easily addicted to Facebook if I signed up - but I'll check it out.