
Monday, March 2, 2009

Color or B&W?

The Three Musketeers


theveryflowers said...

Oh, I love this photo! I'll have to try this with my three! I love the black and white...I think it makes it more graphic and therefore the imagery really pops. Well done! :)

Deidra said...

I love black and white always. This photo is so sweet!

Ridenour Family said...

I like color better on this one

Jennifer said...

Fabulous photo!!!

I am torn... I usually always love b&w best. While the compostion pops more in the bw, the color one has a playful-ness that bw loses a bit. And, well, those *blue* eyes...


Beth said...

definitely black and white!

Skeller said...

Love them both, but color wins for me. (by a wide margin) :-)

Anonymous said...

Colour. :)

Precision Quality Laser said...

Wow...that is a tough one! Love the timeless quality black and white gives to the photo. But the blues in your babies' eyes really pop in the color!

Ruth said...

I like the color better.

Heidi said...

Thanks for voting! I love looking at other B&W photography and think it looks so timeless, but when I go to convert one of my own photos I can't bear to loose the color. Isn't that funny? With this particular photo, I loved the combination of blues and browns.