
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This Is Ridiculous

Leif decided to wake up at four this morning. I had nothing better to do than play with my new actions, right? Right?! I promise this is the last photoshop post this week and a Project Heidi post on hanging groupings on walls tomorrow! (Above photo is SOOC.)


Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

I wish I lived near you and you could teach me how you do this!!!!We have the latest adobe photoshop software but I am so clueless. Is there a "dummy like" book that you recommend!!! I don't even know where to begin but I LOVE what you do to your pictures and know you are not boring us. I just get so inspired seeing things like this!

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

I just checked out the software you mentioned. I have CS3. Is it really as easy as it looks? You just click on the icons and your picture changes? Also, the website said you need to know about "layering masks". Where would I start to learn this. Thank you so much for even trying to help me with this!

Heidi said...

Beth~ I am sooooo not the person to ask, LOL! Actions can be very easy. It is as simple as pressing one button for a specific effect. Many of the actions in the TRA mix are that easy. A few are not and I haven't figured them out yet. :) Much of my learning is going to be trial and error. :) The action set comes with a fairly simple explanation on how to adjust the opacity on the action to increase or decrease the effect. You can use more than one action on a photo. Again, lots of experimentation... The more you know, the more you can tweak the pictures, but it is easy to get started!

I have a photoshop book, but I am not smart enough to understand it yet. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi,

I love your blog! The pictures are beautiful! I could just cry when I think of all the hundreds of hours I spent in the photography darkroom burning and dodging, printing and reprinting to get a great picture. I know photoshop must be challenging, but surely it's easier that the old-fashioned darkroom!

P.s. I need decorating help!


Christina said...

He is such a handome little guy. I'm so jealous that I can't do these actions. They need to make some for photoshop elements!!

Anonymous said...

Don't you find that now you'd get stuck in "choice?" ;) How in the world do you choose the best photo to print up for the album...

Just thinking. ;)

Heidi said...

Barbara~ Oh, I am so very thankful that I'm not spending hours in a dark room. Actually, I wouldn't be spending hours in a dark room. I just wouldn't have interesting photos... It is amazing how far technology has come! What decorating advice are you in need of?

Christina~ I'm not familiar with Photoshop Elements, but it seems like they should be coming up with some actions!! (Oh, and I think he's handsome, too. :))

Caralyn~ Oh, you have no idea. Choice is not so good for me as I am often indicisive anyway. Which is the perfect picture. Can I make it more perfect? That is why I blog and post as many pictures as I want instead of getting around to my scrapbooking...

Melissa said...

Whatever style is a person's choice in the end you have to start with a great photo and this is a great photo.

Heidi said...

Me~ Thank you! It is one of my personal favorites. You have some gorgeous photography on *your* blog. I enjoyed checking it out!

Christi said...

Heidi, I just found your blog last week, and I LOVE it. You've given me so many ideas already for my home. Love the pictures of your boys - I'm a mama of boys too, and there is nothing better!

Tanya said...

I have been wanting Totally Rad Actions for some time now! Maybe I will ask for it for Christmas! Your pictures look amazing.

nikia said...

I just found your blog & I LOVE your photos! I have limited photoshop experience, but could you tell me in a nutshell what you changed on each of these photos of your son?

Many Thanks!

Heidi said...

Nikia~ All of the changes made to each photo were actions that I purchased from Totally Rad Actions. I don't have enough Photoshop experience to create these effects step by step. With actions, someone bundled the individual steps so that you could create it with a single click. Ahhh. That is my kind of Photoshop. :) I didn't note what specific actions I used on each photo, but I could probably guess if you're interested in Totally Rad Actions. Thanks so much for stopping by today!