
Monday, July 14, 2008

You Spin Me Right Round, Baby

Right round like a record, baby.
What do you do with a huge box of
old Victrola records?

If you are Heidi, you hang 15 of them
in your hallway.

(I must have been going through circle withdrawl after taking down my circle collage.)

Although it is close to impossible to get a decent picture of anything hanging in this hallway.
Now what shall I do with the remaining 30 records? (I almost placed three larger ones within the frame above my piano, but decided on the larger grouping in the hallway.)

Thanks for the treasure, hubby!

Don't forget to check out my guest post over at Simple Mom tomorrow!


Kelli said...


You inspire so much creativity in me:) I was wondering though, the curtains in your kitchen, where did you find the clips with rings at the top?


Heidi said...

Kelli~ I purchased the clip rings in the window treatment section at Home Depot, but I have seen some at Target as well. You could probably find them just about any where that sells curtain rods and other window hardware.

Amy said...

What a neat idea! You are so creative.

Simply Me... said...

Heidi, you are something else! I love all your idea's do you lay in bed at night and think these all up or what! I haven't seen you over lately, hope to see you soon!
have a great day!


Karen said...

I love your ideas! I tried your silhouette idea with my 4 kiddos. I need to find a place for it and will then send you a picture. You are such a breath of fresh inspiration! I would love to see more of your letter "L" collage in that one picture.

Heidi said...

Lanny~ I haven't had as much time for visiting lately, but I'll be sure to head over to your blog today...

Kim~ There really isn't much more to see of the L collage. There are 3 Ls (for Levi, Luke, and Leif) as you head into their bedroom. I keep their baseball caps on the hooks below. It is in a little crook of the hallway with no light, so it is *really* hard to get a decent photo of that area. :)

Christina said...

What a neat idea. I love it!!

Donna Boucher said...

See!!! You have the best eye!!!

Love your style, Heidi!

Anonymous said...

I love your ideas. I really, really do. Honestly, I'm kinda coveting your creativity. I must pray about that!!!!

Lacy said...

I am with Caralyn kinda coveting your totally fab ideas and house. I have been having decor withdrawls bad!!! I am making candles and a circle collage inspired by who else....You! Ill let you know when I am done.

Precision Quality Laser said...

You do the most creative things with ordinary items! Love it! Very graphic and geometric...two of my favorite things :)

Anonymous said...

We've been contemplating hanging some game boards on a a monopoly board and a candy land board..So do tell exactly "how" did you hang the records...another dumb question from me!

Carry Grace said...

I love this!

I just found you on the simple mom, and I'm hooked. I will be here often.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I found you on Simple Mom today. Just wondering if you can share what color your wall is painted (the one behind the records)?

Heidi said...

toomanyhats~ I would use metal clips (the kind I used in my empty frame a while back...found in the office section at Target, I think). They hang easily (have a hole that hangs on a simple nail) and it would be easy to clip up the boards and take them down if you wanted to use them. Some boards might need more than one clip depending on how they are folded.

Nikki~ Thanks for stopping by! Come back any time. :)

Tonya~ The color is Stonington Beige by Glidden. I love it! It looks rather gray on the swatch, but it goes really well with warmer colors. Thanks for coming by!

Anonymous said...

Where did you find the large letters for your "L" collage? Are they wood?

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm another visitor from Simple Mom. In your answer to toomanyhats, did you mean that you hung the records on your wall with metal clips? Thank you.


heather said...

I have a box of old 45's and have not known what to do with them, you have given me inspiration!=)

Heidi said...

K~ Sorry, I didn't answer the question correctly! I meant that I would hang game boards with metal clips, but I just used little black nails to hang the records. It sure is handy that they all have perfect little nail holes in the same spot. :) Much easier than hanging a collage of, say, white plates!!

Anon~ The large red L was from Pottery Barn (Kids, I think). One of the metal Ls was from Target, the other from Anthropology.

Aja Jenise said...

Girl you are amazing!!! I love this!!


Gretchen said...

How inspiring!

I love using the everyday items to make art.

Also found your list of things that make me happy canvas ... that is going to be my summer project!

Jenny said...

The records look fantastic.