
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Give-Away Time!!

Hope Note Cards

In honor of our Living. Lovely. challenge this week (sending a hand-written letter),
I'm giving away sets (10 cards each) of Hope note cards to 4 individual winners.
For a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post.
For a second chance to win, leave me another comment letting me know that you are a follower of this blog
(click on the 'follow' button over there on my side bar).
Be sure that I have a way to contact you (blog link or email) to let you know if you are a winner!
This give-away will be open until midnight on Wednesday the 14th, and I'll anounce the winner sometime on Friday.


Rachel said...

Those cards are pretty amazing. I want a set! Pick me!

Angel said...

I mail cards out ALL the time. I usually make them myself, but I often mail them faster than I can make them.

Angel said...

I'm a loyal follower

Vennesa said...

Hello, Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.

Vennesa said...

Oh, and I've been following your blog for only a couple weeks, but I really enjoy your posts. Thanks!

Susan said...

I'd love to win those!

Susan said...

I thought for sure I was a follower already. Oh well, just clicked! I just sent some pictures to costco to have postcards made. I hope they turn out well.

~beautyandjoy~ said...

Those are GORGEOUS!

Anonymous said...

I'd love one, they're beautiful! ~Tera in Salem :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I supposedly signed up to be a follower just now, but I don't know what that means, and I don't know how to leave comments over there...? I have no picture either. lol... Tera

Heidi said...

Tera~ You only have to click on the follow button to 'follow' the blog. You just leave the comment here. :)

Timi said...

These are lovely cards! I would like to enter this giveaway :o)

Timi said...

Oh, and I am your follower, too :o))!

Anonymous said...

The cards are lovely indeed. Thanks for such and encouraging and beautiful blog.

Kathy said...

awesome! those are beautiful!
Kathy K.

Kathy said...

and yes, I'm a loyal follower! I may not comment much, but I read every single 'lovely' post!! =)
Kathy K.

Beth said...

Love those cards!

And I follow your blog on my reader...not sure if that counts, but I do! :)


LifeasParents said...

I love your photography and would love to have a piece of your work.

Cara S. said...

I love the notecards! Pick me...

Cara S. said...

Oh and I am totally a follower!

Unknown said...

great idea for using your beautiful photos!

Anonymous said...

I love the post cards! Your pictures are wonderful! Emily

Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog for some time now. Love your potography! Emily Gibson

Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi,
Love the cards. Count me in :)
~Connie in Tualatin

Anonymous said...

I so enjoy your photos, and would love to be blessed with a set of your cards.

Destiny D.

Anonymous said...

I am a faithful follower of your blog; checking it every day! Destiny

Mominin said...

Your cards are beautiful! I would love to win them.

Mominin said...

I also follow you.

Callie said...

So beautiful!! Love your blog!

jodi said...

love those! and good thing there's 10 in a pack, cause they're just too pretty not to keep one...


Skeller said...

Gorgeous cards, Heidi!!!
And I'm a totally zealous follower - haven't missed a post in the last year+. Cause I think your piece of the blogosphere is a lovely, encouraging, real place to come visit. :-)

Heather said...

Those are beautiful! Your blog is on my "check daily" list. :)

HopiQ said...

I LOVE these! It doesn't hurt that it's my name...

Lora @ my blessed life said...

They're beautiful, Heidi! And I love to write letters:)

Lora @ my blessed life said...

I'm a follower, too!

Sarah said...

Beautiful notecards! "Hope" I get picked! :)

Mirjam said...


Mirjam said...


JStacie said...

I was just noticing how low I am on cards and wondering when I would have time to make some!

JStacie said...


Anonymous said...

What gorgeous cards. I could use a little HOPE right now!

Jennifer said...

What beautiful cards!! I've been trying to get back in the habit of sending notes regularly...these would be very motivating! :)

Jennifer said...

I'm a follower! :)

betsy said...

I'm always so inspired by your creative art!

Darcy said...

Hope is the thing with feathers:)

Darcy said...

I am also a blog follower on googlereader...

Crystal said...

Heidi, I love those notecards : ) Our third daughter's name is HOPE. Anyway, I love your blog and especially your photography. I thought I was a follower, but I will go do it now. God Bless you~ (you can contact me by posting a comment on my blog)

Crystal said...

Now, I too am a follower : )

Mirjam said...

I got them by mail, yesterday! Thank you so much!! I'm going to send them to people, special people! :)

Mirjam :) ~ NL