
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Bragging on the Little Sister

I've talked about my little sister before. She puts on a great party. Birthdays, Christmas themed parties, you name it. But did you know that my sister is an amazing designer, crafter, gardener, wedding planner, flower designer, and shop owner? I could go on and on, but I'll save that for the day I blackmail her into appearing as a guest designer for Project Heidi.

Until then, I'll tease you with pictures I snapped while attending a paper crafting party in her home:


Dreams of a Country Girl said...

First, i LOVE the initials abouve the bed. I am so gonna steal that idea cause that is what i do. I am a stealer...a the night, cause "in the night" makes it sound worse. and am i one of the worst stealers you will ever meet. although you will probably never meet me, but if you do, i am the worst stealer you will ever see. especially in the night.

second, i want the clippy picture thing that is metal and looks like a cash register box. just let your sister know that if she meets me at night i am gonna steal that too...for real. but i will not steal the initials, just the idea, cause i would have to change our names and all to match. and that is just way to much trouble for a lowly thief like me.

Anonymous said...

I just love your and your sisters decorating styles. I need SO much help in this department. These pictures are very inspiring.

{marie} said... just gets better and better. by the way (country girl)....i am SO a stealer too!

Kim -today's creative blog said...

I have featured you today on Today's Creative Blog!

And I tried to visit Poet's Garden in Sept! Whaaaa.

email me for your blinkie that all featured bloggers get.

Anonymous said...

Oh Heidi, my place just sucks compared to the creativity of your sister and you! I'm so boring! lol Keep the ideas coming, though. I'm telling're going to be famous....

Anonymous said...

Heidi exagerates, just so you know.
I just have access to such great stuff at Poet's Garden that decorating is a matter of editing.
Thanks anyway - sis.

Jennifer P. said...

Just came over from Today's Creative Blog. I'm a fellow homeschooler/decorator/mother of boys (who also puts wagons on top of her armoires--but never thought of growing wheat grass in it--PERFECT!). Love your ideas and your style. The fact that you painted your room red says you aren't afraid of anything! Great job--beautiful home! Congratulations on the feature!

Anonymous said...

OH MY WORD! So I have this blog in my blogroll... and I love it, it gives great decorating ideas... and I come here.

I am DROOLING over some of the ideas... thinking how I could use some of them myself... and then I am like NO WAY - I KNOW this blogger!!!

HEIDI! This is Gina DeLude! I'm so happy to have found your rockin' blog!!!~G

meg duerksen said...

i came over from kim's creative blogs....
you have a great site.
lots of beautiful pictures and inspiring ideas!
i'm glad i found you!

ByHISgoodGrace said...

I also got here via Today's Creative Blog. Your posts are so interesting! Your boys are gorgeous! I have three boys as well...I'll have to check back often for inspirational decorating ideas!

Elise said...

Hello Heidi

I too have found your blog through Today's Creative Blog... and what a fantastic find it is. Your interior decorating is inspiring and makes for that beautiful homely sort of feeling. The things you achieve with your boys while homeschooling them is amazing... such diverse and hands on projects. I'm also a fan of your book reviews. I will be visiting your blog on a regular basis. There's so much to love about it.

Heidi said...

Hi Heidi! I also came via Today's Creative Blog! I love your photos on this post! I love your sis' style (your's too!)...great ideas!
Everyday Cookies
(on the Oregon Coast!)

Unknown said...

Just lovely blog you have here! I have enjoyed it!

Linda said...

Hi Heidi,
I just found your blog through Todays crative Blog and I am so glad that I did. Your sisters home looks wonderful, I love the red walls. I will stop by again to read more.
Cheers Linda

Barb said...

So your sister's house is going to be invaded by designed-starved marauders. Be prepared!
It's in your blood, this design-thing. You can't avoid it or deny it.
Beautiful home.

Heidi said...

Thank you so much, everyone! The feature at Today's Creative Blog was really unexpected. I'm honored! I can't wait to visit everyone's blogs over the next week or two. Thank you for taking the time to comment.

Gina~ Hey! Nice to 'see' you here. :) What a small world, no?

The Runyans said...

great blog!

Stephanie ODea said...

wow, you and your sister are so talented!
amazing homes--I'm totally jealous.

Debe said...

Kim sent me here too!!! I want to come live in that house!!! The only thing in common with mine is that I too have red walls. Such great style and ideas TO STEAL!! Thanks and now I have to go and read the rest of your blog!!! Shh!, I'm at work!!