
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Show and Tell

I love seeing your projects and designs and faces! Check out these candles created by reader-friend, Caralyn: She and her daughter decorated these candles for a bridal shower. I love how they turned out. And look how gorgeous she is (with her adorable little guy):
I would love to post more links and pictures. Keep them coming!


Dreams of a Country Girl said...

so did you do a tutorial on how to make candles and i missed it.....did you buy the candles and just decorate with the paper, or did you make the candles too

Heidi said...

No official tutorial. :) I had a very short description back in December. Basically:

Buy religious candles in the ethnic section at the grocery store. Often they are, um, highly decorated, but sometimes you can purchase white ones with no images. Cover with your choice of paper (obviously covering the religious images if need be) and embellish! Lots of possibilities...

Anonymous said...

Whoooo hoooooo....who needs an honourable mention in one of Ree's photo naming contests when I have Heidi!!!!

It's been a long stressful day's nice to sit down and see this post. Thanks for all you do, Heidi.

Heidi said...

Hey, no problem. :) Glad I could make your day! You've made mine many times with your encouraging comments. Thanks for being a blog friend.

kimi said...

I am ripping off your circle art you can see it on my blog, I'm almost done. thanks for the GREAT ideas, explanations and tutorials. you're amazing!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I was coming over here to ask you where you found those candles - that cracks me up that they're the ethnic candles at grocery stores! Too funny. I saw them in the photos for your son's birthday and LOVED them. I really, really like this idea. Your blog is really inspirational!

Angela said...

Calling Designer Heidi-

Come to my blog- I have posted my bedroom for you to decorate! You are the person I want to hear from!

Change my life, give me color, and don't forget I have a ton of European photos I can use in it..,.........


Heidi said...

Kimi~ I'm so glad you took the time to comment. Your circle art is going to look great above your mantel. Can't wait to see the finished product!

Simple Mom~ That is too funny that you were coming over here for that. :) Thanks for linking me on your blog today, and glad I can be inspirational to you! I love your blog as well and added you to my favorites.

Angela~ Okay, I checked out the pictures and have a few ideas, but it will take me a day or two to respond. Got lots going on here. But I'll get to it, I promise!