
Monday, February 18, 2008

Sweet Pea ~A Year Older

My second post ever (exactly a year ago) was of 6 month old baby toes. Now my sweet pea is a year and a half. Someone, please invent a machine that stops time. I would pay a fortune for it.


Anonymous said...

I love the new pictures of Leif!!! Wow, you really caught some great expressions I haven't even seen before! Love, love, love the new header too.

Anonymous said...

Awww, how cute is he? Love the photos!

Poiema said...

I like especially the 4th photo, the black & white of your little guy looking down the road. It's poignant because it seems that road leads them out of the nest so very quickly! You are an accomplished photographer and I'm sure your family will treasure these shots in years to come.

Dreams of a Country Girl said...

yeah, you are really good. the photos are fabulous.

if we were in jr high together, i so would not like you.

fortunate for me, i am a mature adult so i can handle my jealous tendancies.

love you

Heidi said...

Thanks, ladies!

Poiema~ Nice to 'see' you!

Country Girl~ I'm trying to make up for the sad little wall flower I was in school. :) You wouldn't have even noticed me, LOL. I might be a 'mature adult' but I'll probably never get over my jealous tendencies. He-he.