
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Green Friday ~ The Long Version

Green Friday. Breathe.

Thanksgiving was a quiet, dark and rainy day. The morning after, our house was dark and disastrous. (We didn’t host Thanksgiving dinner, but just getting OUT of the house seems to produce a disaster…) I felt like I had three million things on the to-do list at home (including cleaning up the disaster), and getting out of the house with all the kids is a huge undertaking in itself. But I saw the sun peeking out and I KNEW that we needed to get some fresh air.

It was our traditional Green Friday. Lola took her morning nap. I got a few things together. We left the house just after noon. The drive was beautiful. The sun was shining. Christmas music was playing. The boys and I had some deep conversations about land zoning (and the difference between commercial, industrial, professional, residential, and farm zoning), euthanasia, the Deity of Christ, and inertia. (Yep, really.)

It was a bit overcast when we first arrived at our favorite nature hike spot.

Green Friday 8

Leif wasn’t sure a nature hike was on his agenda for the day, but it helped that his favorite Ivy was along to keep him company.

Green Friday 7 Green Friday 6

Lola was excited to participate for the first time.

Green Friday 5

And so we set out.

Green Friday 3 Green Friday 11 Green Friday 4 Green Friday 12 Green Friday 2 Green Friday 10Green Friday 1Green Friday 9Green Friday 13

The little kids played. Ilex helped. Holly gathered. I took pictures, including a kajillion of Lola. (More of those later.)

Green Friday 15

Halfway through our walk, the sun came back out to play. It was glorious.

Green Friday 14

Then we meandered back to the truck. Levi observed that ‘excessive use of legs results in pain.’ Yeah, that’s my boy.

We ended our afternoon with snacks and hot chocolate at Aunt Holly’s house.

Living. Lovely.


Shell in your Pocket said...

what beautiful pictures!

sandy toe

Ariana Rose said...

I'm so jealous of the gorgeous place you live in!! Like, speechless jealous. haha!

These pictures are really beautiful. I can't imagine a more perfect day than that one!

Amanda said...

I wish we lived in Oregon so our adorable nerdy kids could play together. :)

Skeller said...

aaaahhhhh. happy sigh. I think your Green Fridays are my favorite Mt. Hope posts each year. :-)

. said...

My 1.5 year old daughter keep seeing herself... buth it's realy Lola! So funny.