
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Gorgeous, Gorgeous, Gorgeous!

I could go on and on about this beautiful, intimate, simple, tasteful, relaxing wedding for hours. The bride. The weather, oh the weather!! I could describe the stunning location in thousands of words. Instead, I'll share my favorite images of the evening.


Anonymous said...

Really nice job on the photos, Heidi! Love the "actions" you performed on them.

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

What beautiful pictures! I love the story that they tell. How blessed your friend is!

Anonymous said...

Heidi, those are gorgeous photos. You've really got a gift!

Jenny said...

It certainly is Gorgeous, Gorgeous, Gorgeous!

Shell in your Pocket said...

What beautiful pictures. I almost feel like I was there! WOW!
Sandy Toes at

Amy @ Literacy Launchpad said...

Simply Gorgeous.

First time commenting on your blog. I have been gushing over it the past few days. Love it! I'll be visiting frequently!

Lora @ my blessed life said...

What a lovely celebration! And great pictures!

Skeller said...

Oh Heidi!
These are lovely images of a clearly lovely ceremony. I especially like your photo of the bride laughing with her groom!

spanki said...

oh my heidi, you have taken my breath away once again! what a blessed friend! i want to have a wedding again just to get pics like this...maybe a renewal, one more year until 10!! great job!!!

Laurel said...

Love, love love the pictures! You are good!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Please tell me that you were the hired photographer and that these were not just some candids that you captured. :)

Trish said...

Those are awesome pics, Heidi! Thanks for doing that for Nate/Dom. I know they so appreciated it. What a great wedding and what a great night! I linked to your blog on my Facebook, so I hope the traffic isn't too much to bear.

C U soon!

katie talbott said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures of Nathan's wedding. Very beautifully done. I am looking forward to meeting the new Mrs. Toney someday.

~ Katie (Stone) Talbott

Heidi said...

Thanks for the comments, everyone!!

Jen~ Nah. I would be waaaay too stressed to be a primary photographer. Plus, you have to get all the stardard shots. I'd rather just do it for fun and get whatever strikes my fancy. :)

Trish~ It was such a blast to see Nate get married... I can't believe how long our families have been friends!! I've so enjoyed getting to know Dom. Nate couldn't have picked a better girl.

Mrs. Katie~ Thanks for stopping by! You'll love Domini when you meet her, I'm guessing. She's wonderful!

Jessie Brown said...

What a beautiful location!! Where was it? My sister is getting married and we are looking for a place they could have a small intimate wedding...terrific photographs!

Heidi said...

Jessie~ It was at Stone Crest Cellar Bed and Breakfast in Newport. A perfect spot for a small wedding!