
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Luke Gives It a Thumbs Up

I think this photo sums up his weekend well. Four days of camping with the big boys: Daddy, Levi, and cousin Drake, with a few boys and dads joining them on second half. I think he lived in his helmet and life vest with all the biking and swimming going on. More photos to come. (I really missed 'my' camera, but I'm glad to see evidence of the great time they had!)

Hey, did y'all miss me? It felt weird to not be blogging, but I enjoyed the break and the quiet days with Leif. Don't worry, I'll be posting often this week!


travelin' nan said...

I missed your posts! I loved the childhood essentials list. I am reminded that these are the activities that I need to slow down and do with my children.
Oh, if you ever need any Disneyland tips, I think I've probably spent a couple weeks of my life there by now.

Anonymous said...

yea! I'm glad you're back. You were missed by at least one person on the east coast!


Anonymous said...

Of course you were missed!

Christi said...

I missed you too - and I'm glad to hear you've got lots of posts for us this week!

Unknown said...

Welcome back! A new reader here from the East coast.
I have enjoyed reading your thoughts on Classical Education. We are beginning our first full year of homeschooling in a couple weeks( we began late last fall). Thanks for sharing your thoughtful posts!
Enjoy the day!

carole said...

Of course I missed your online presence! But I completely understand the need to rest and take a break. I keep thinking about doing that for more than a week. :)

carole said...

Oh - and I meant to say - you must be glad to know that he basically lived in the helmet and life jacket! I would be!

Donna Boucher said...

I did miss you!!!

Wonderful subtle colors in your photo today!

Allie said...

Hi Heidi,

I came to your blog through Simple Mom a few weeks ago and have been loving it. I am a mom of boys, too: two little ones age 23 months and 7 months. I was homeschooled though HS and plan on doing the same for the boys and any others that come our way. I've been reading some books based on your suggestions, and my family holds to so many of the ideals yours seems to... it feels like we could be friends (actually, it feels like we are. That's what happens when you read a blog sometimes... but then you have to remember that the blogger doesn't know you're reading it unless you tell them, so it's a rather one-sided friendship. :) Anyway, thanks for the lovely photos and blog entries. Just wanted to introduce myself. :)

Heidi said...

Travelin' Nan~ I just might take you up on the tip offer. Looks like there is a possibility we might be headed there in a couple months!

Carole~ Yes, I'm very glad he had on all his gear. :) It occasionally worries me when the boys are out with their dad. He doesn't mother them in quite the same way I do, but that's a good thing, and part of the reason for a boys' camping trip. They don't even wear helmets at home, but they also don't go full blast down steep gravel hills, LOL.

Amelia and Allie~ I'm so glad you both took the time to comment and introduce yourselves!! Thanks for the kind words and I look forward to hearing more from you. :) Allie, I've been on the other side of one-sided blog 'friendships' so I know exactly what you're talking about. :) I've tried to keep this blog personal for that very reason, though. I want it to feel like a place where friendship is welcome. Thanks for entering in to the 'conversation.'

Thanks for the kind comments, everyone!!

Skeller said...

Firstly, yes! I did miss your sweet posts. But I enjoyed your "visits". Hey, did I tell you? The Blackberry Gingerbread was a HUGE hit!! I'll totally be making that again for a baby shower in a few weeks. Thank you oodles for sharing that scrumptious recipe.

Secondly, if you're coming to Disneyland....???? And if you plan any extra time ...???? I'd love to grab my boys and come meet you all at the beach for a couple hours!!

Heidi said...

skeller~ I'm thrilled the Blackberry Gingerbread was a hit! I think it's pretty tasty myself. :) And wouldn't it be a blast to meet up on the beach!!! Our vacation is still in the serious planning stages (as in 'do we really want to do this with three little boys?'), but if we go it will probably be the week of Oct 5-11. So we'd be in your neck of the woods somewhere in the middle of that week. I'll let you know when the plans firm up a bit...

Heidi said...

skeller~ Oh, wait. It looks like it is going to be the very last week of Oct. Again, I'll let you know for sure as we get plans finalized.

Skeller said...

Yay!! We'll be around. :-)

Oct in SoCal is wonderful and warm (usually) and a great time to avoid holiday/summer crowds at D-land.