
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ta Da!

I know, I know. I was whining and complaining about taking photos a couple days ago. Then I spent the next two days plotting and planning. Would you believe the weather was GORGEOUS today? In the 70s! PERFECT for a family photo shoot. So that's what we did. Didn't get anything else accomplished, but we got pictures. What do you think of my new header? I'll post more pictures tomorrow, so that's just a taste.


Ariana Rose said...

Oh gosh I love the new header!! A lot!

I can't wait to see more tomorrow!

Susan said...

Love it. Yeah for you! Quick question...did someone snap the photos of the family or did you use a tripod? I am trying to figure out how to get a family photo this year.

Heasleye said...

The weather!!! Your photos!!! Your darling family!!!
All of the above are fantabulous! :) Way to go, momma!


Kelli Z. said...


Beth said...

Love the header!

Heidi said...

Susan~ I always have my mom along for family photo shoots. She snaps all the pictures when I'm in them.

Heidi said...

Heidi, I love your new header! I don't post very often but I read your blog regularly. I homeschool my 5 boys. Thanks so much for sharing. Heidi

Courtney said...

Beautiful pictures... can't wait to see more of them!