
Monday, March 3, 2008

Slight Change in Scenery

The past couple of years, I have ridiculously hung on to a rolled up sheet of fancy wrapping paper because I couldn't bear to part with it. Through purging sprees, a move, and who knows what else, this paper has survived. A few days ago I found the roll under a cabinet in the school room. Suddenly, it became an inspiration for a slight change in scenery.
Taking notes? Inspiration can come from anywhere! Even a roll of wrapping paper.

I forced myself to actually use that sheet of wrapping paper. You can see it in the top left corner of my 'new' circle collage and on a candle below.

If you are the type of person who prefers to get everything just the way they like it and then leave it there, I see no problem with that. Truthfully, I've been that way the last few years. I finally got something right, why would I change it?! But, I also want you to know that it is often fun to change things up a bit. Pop in a new color, for example.

Our previous home had green walls in the front room. I loved them. When we moved to this house, I fell in love with the new wall color and chose not to change it. (Stonington Beige by Glidden if anyone is wondering.) It isn't a color I would have picked out on the paint sample rack, but I couldn't be more happy with the way it looks in our front room and hallway. The nice thing about it is that it is very neutral.

I've kept my red because I have a few pieces of furniture I don't wish to get rid of yet, but I like playing around with a third accent color. Like orange and yellow, or green. Right now, it is Robin's Egg blue. Love it.

So, we've done three projects lately that lend themselves to easy color changes. The circle collage. The silhouettes. (Do you see that I repainted the canvases?) The candles. Even the wheat grass can be planted in a variety of containers to go with a color theme. Taper candles are another easy way to throw in a bit of extra color.

I have a Decorating 101 post percolating. We'll be talking about the essential decorating accessories. First up is the pedestal bowl:
I purchased two reversible quilts from Pottery Barn so that I have a 'new' quilt for each season. I jumped the gun on spring:
The fall pattern is on the bed in our latest open house, winter in our first open house, and summer with Luke. It is a fun and very simple way to decorate with the seasons.

Here is a close up (sorta) of the new circle collage. I kept a few of the original circles:


Anonymous said...

Sigh. I love these posts.

Lacy said...

Hey Heidi~ Its Lacy again! I am soooooo lovin the new robins egg blue splash of color! I love the new collage and canvas colors! I really want to be your best friend! By the way did you sew the pillows in the pictures with your boys or purchase? I love the print. Also, I was reading your family brochure and I use Handwriting without tears in my pk class. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

Heidi said...

Hi, Lacy! Okay, let's be friends. :) I did purchase the pillows (on clearance! wahoo). I need to get some really nice throw pillows and make a bunch of different slipcovers, though. Yes, isn't HWT wonderful? It has worked really well for my oldest, and we've just gotten started with boy #2.

letterstoelijah said...

Your home is beautiful. Your eye for colour is amazing. I really enjoyed reading this post ... I think I might have to scraplift your circle thing - I'm a paper junkie! Here is something I did recently with my favourite paper.

Tabitha said...

I had to try's the result!!

Mama Bird said...

Oh my goodness, you are so gifted with your style and craftiness! I just found your blog and was trying to find on here if/where you say how you make those side view, silhouette paintings (or whatever they are) of your boys? I would love to make those of my boys. So sweet.

If you could point me in the right direction, would be so grateful! Keep up the great work, I'm going to subscribe for some inspiration! I was crafty/arty back in the day, but it fell by the wayside years ago. Would love to get it back.

Tara said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your circle collage and would like to make one for my girls playroom. I am not very crafty... would you mind telling me how you made it? Thanks so much!

Sarah@LowStressWeightLoss said...

Very cool! I did a similar circle project but in a tiny cramped bathroom and using magazine images. I too have some gorgeous wrapping paper waiting for a good use - I think you may have inspired me!

My bathroom is item 23 in this list :

I came here via Simple Mom, FYI

Emily D. said...

I've been struggling thinking of wall art for my sons room and I think you've given me the inspiration that I need. I think I am going to do boy prints that match his decor in his room and create this! Thank you so much for sharing! You have no idea! :)

Love and Lollipops said...

I really love your circle collage! I have a whole collection of beautiful wrapping paper just waiting for a simple and beautiful, as you said, I just have to get the courage to actually cut it up and use it!