
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Answers

Actors to play myself and my husband in a movie: idealistically?
Halle Berry? Angelina Jolie? Charlize Theron? One can wish... Definitely Gerard Butler for Russ.
A little more realistically?Anna Maxwell Martin (she played Bessie in BBC's North and South) and Tom Hanks with a shaved head. Grin.

As for those triplets (heaven help me), I think I would have two girls and a boy (which would be 4 boys and 2 girls around here).

Swift John, Colette Wilder, and Wren Adelaide (a couple blog visitors will notice that I happen to love their children's names....)

Favorite chapter books. How on earth does one pick just a couple? Eenie, meenie, minie, moe (and how do you spell those words?)....

Narnia series, Anne of Green Gables, My Side of the Mountain, From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, The Cricket in Times Square, I Am David, House of Sixty Fathers...

I did spend a large amount of time reading the Trixie Belden series as a kid.

Best gift. Hmmm. I'll have to edit this post later when I think of the right one. Keep your answers coming. Feel free to answer just one or two, or to answer them on your own blog (but let me know so that I can go read them!)


laurel said...

I just did a little question and answer at my blog too! Thanks for the fun idea!

Ash said...

Oh, Trixie Belden - I totally forgot about those!!

Thanks for reminding me of that happy experience.


Stacey said...

I totally thought that My Side of the Mountain was my secret little find in elementary school. I read that book so many times!

And thanks, Em, for mentioning Island of the Blue Dolphin. I actually tried google that last night to include in my answer but all I could remember was Dolphin Island so it didn't bring up what I was looking for.

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I read only ONE book on my trip and it was I AM DAVID!!!! lol I saw the movie a couple of years ago and bought the book, but hadn't gotten around to reading it. I read it on one of the "sea" a whole the pool. Guess who got burned? ;)

Heidi said...

Caralyn~ So, did you like it? I think it could be one of those books that hits people differently. Do I like it just because it affected me a certain way the first time I read it? That's the hard part about recommending books!

Anonymous said...

hey there heidi

this comment has nothing to do with your post, but i've been thinking about asking you a question regarding your boys' "sleeping room". i want your thoughts on a house we are looking at buying. it has three bedrooms. that would leave two bedrooms for our four kids: girls, 19, 19, 13 and a boy, 5. am i able to email you?

Anonymous said...

*giggles* i only put "anonymous" because i don't know what the other things mean as i'm new to this blogging scene!

Anonymous said...

In my oppinion, you better look for a 4 or 5 bedroom...
Unless you will be adding on in the next 6 months, or
Unless the 19 yo's are moving out in the next 6 months, or
Unless you will have a large master bedroom that can be used for the 3 girls, leaving you and hubby and the 5 yo in your own rooms....
Or the 19 yo's will be "visiting" when they are not off at college, or you have a spare trailer you can use to rotate the 19 yo's through on a quarterly or 6 month basis....


In my limited experience with familys will multiple teenage girls, it doesn't usually work very well to have more than 1 in a room, or to have a "boy" (yuck, yuck, yuck, from their perspective), sharing with them.

I doubt that you want the 5 yo to share a room with you and hubby.. at least not if you want to stay married... :)

A random Luker.

Heidi said...

Anonymous~ :) I finally got that email sent off. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Aja Jenise said...

Okay chica!! I just watched North & South...thanks for the recommendation. It was aboslutely splendid... wish the happy ending was a little more drawn out... it may have provoked my inner cry baby a bit more. Needed that I should say... thanks again!