
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

On the Coast

In the end, we headed to the coast with a sick 2 year old. By the time we arrived, I had a massive headache, a stuffy and foggy head, a horrendous sore throat, had sneezed 20 times, and was quite car sick. Lovely.

The day was cool and overcast, but just right for a walk on the docks.
We visited a local lighthouse...
...enjoyed the sights...
...and walked on the beach. Leif was an absolute doll all weekend and provided a great deal of entertainment. He and Russ were inseparable.
In spite of illness and a slight change of plans, the weekend went well. Shannon and Ben came over yesterday with Levi and Luke. The day was gorgeous. I have lots of pictures to share this week, but right now I am busy with three sick little boys, a disastrous house, and load after load of laundry. Looks like we might not be up to speed by the middle of this week. Ah, another revision of plans....


{marie} said...

we have had the same crud at our house for the past week. i feel your pain! hang in there. it will get much better. :)

Shell in your Pocket said...

Looks like a great weekend...the last picture says it all! I love your blog..its so simple but the photography is delightful to look at. My load of laundry...or should I say right around the corner.
Have a great night!
-Sandy Toes

Anonymous said...

What's life w/o a few revisions...right?

Sorry the kids are sick. It's going around here too. I had to keep Kate home today. She has the most terrifying cough. Literally, it's so loud she startles me once in awhile!

Take care!

~Amy J.~

Anonymous said...

Is that...the Oregon coast? Just curious.
I miss the Pacific so much!
Love your blog by the way.

Heidi said...

I'm glad a few of you can relate! Or, I guess I'm sorry for you, though... I'm really tired of being sick myself and ready to get my energy and enthusiasm back!!!!!!!!!!

rebekahdawn~ Yes, it's the Oregon coast. Newport, to be exact. :) It sure is lovely, isn't it? More pictures all week...

Katy said...

How fun.....except for your headache..that stinks! :(

I have never been to a lighthouse..but I would like to...that would be such a fun experience! :)

Anonymous said...

That looks like such a lovely time, Heidi.

Precision Quality Laser said...

Where did you guys stay in Newport? We are always on the lookout for a frugal overnight place for a family of five :)

Love the have talent!

Heidi said...

Mrs. Q~ We stayed at the Shilo Inn. Certainly nothing fancy, but I don't know if I'd call it frugal... Maybe 140-150/night with tax? We visit the coast every so often, but rarely stay overnight, so I did the eenie-meenie-miney-mo routine. :)