
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Living. Lovely. ~ Out of Context Lovely

"It's not that bad. I'm not saying I'd like to build a summer home here,
but the trees are actually quite lovely."

(Quick... what's that from? Grin.)

Did you

Discover Out-of-Context or Unexpected Lovely

this week?

If you didn't, watch this video and it will have you smiling all day long.
(I apparently have a fondness for train stations this week.)

(Thanks, Debi, for sharing this on Facebook!)

Or, we could go with one of my all-time favorites (moment and song):

I shared photos, yesterday, of the glorious morning Shannon and I had on Tuesday for our walk/run.
Most mornings have been dark, foggy, and/or raining, so this unexpected brilliance was bliss.

Wings of the Morning

(I promise to move on and share something other than sunrise photos tomorrow. Grin.)


Next week's Living. Lovely. challenge:

Savor Slow Food

As the days grow short, some faces grow long. But not mine.
Every autumn, when the wind turns cold and darkness comes early, I am suddenly happy.
It's time to start making soup again.

~Leslie Newman

Slow food will be different for each person (at least for this challenge).
For some of us, a can of soup and Bisquick biscuits will be slow(er than normal).
Skip the drive-through and savor some slow food this week!
Or go for the gusto... simmer a pot of applesauce,
get your hands dirty and kneed some bread dough,
make your own hummus and dip fresh veggies,
challenge yourself with a new recipe,
put some time into a beautiful dessert...


Jen Rouse said...

It's The Princess Bride, of course!

I think my regular cooking is mix of slow food (roasted chicken, homemade bread, cooked veggies not from a can, are all normal dinner food for us); and convenience food. Sadly, lunches are usually chicken nuggets or mac and cheese. Maybe you (or someone else) will share some good ideas for quick and easy "slow food" for kid lunches. There's a great blog, if you're interested in such things, called The Slow Food Experiment.

Molly Anne said...

Would you like to come over and explain to everyone why I'm sitting at my computer crying? LOL!
Wow I wasn't expecting to have that reaction. :)

My post:

And yay for The Princess Bride! Have you ever read that book? It's even crazier than the movie, I loved it.

Heidi said...

Jen Rouse~ I think having everyone share some lunch menus is a terrific idea. Maybe I'll work up a post about that! Thanks for the blog link!

Jen Chandler~ Glad to put a smile on your face today. :)

Molly~ LOL! Which one did you watch? They both move me, but the first one is the most surprising to find myself crying with a stupid grin on my face. :) I love crying happy tears!! I haven't read The Princess Bride... will check to see if our library has it. Thanks for the recommendation.

Tricia said...

This was a great post! I'm off to check out all of those video files.

Have a wonderful week.


P.S. The Princess Bride!!!! Oh how I love that movie! Maybe the girls and I will watch it tonight.

Elena_Valeriote said...

Mmm... Slow food. Soup. I could live off soup... There's nothing so satisfying as cold-weather food.

Catie said...

"What about the R.O.U.S's??"

Love that movie!!

Jessie Brown said...

Thank you so much for posting the video!! I was tearing up at my computer...not sure why, probably because it was so lovely :)

Lora @ my blessed life said...

Ahh..I would know those movie lines anywhere! Love that movie:)

And I love that video of the train station~haven't seen that one before. Of course, Susan Boyle is amazing, too.

Anonymous said...

Every time I see the video of Susan Boyle I cry! Just beautiful!

Molly Anne said...

Yes, I was crying at the Sound of Music thing! And I haven't been able to watch it yet without tearing up.
I posted it to my facebook and got comments of, "That totally made my day" and "that is absolutely incredible." And I noticed a few of my friends posted it to theirs as well. You spread a lot of lovely that day! :)