
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Meet Heidi

I had planned on posting Levi’s first, but I’m still trying to get his under four minutes. :) I’m trying not to think about it and just clicking ‘publish.’


Beth said...

SO fun hearing your voice and seeing expressions--I can really see you are such a sweet lady :) Thanks for sharing your life with us.

Anonymous said...

It was fun to hear you speak! You sound as smart as you write:)Thanks for sharing your beautiful life! Hugs from your Kalamazoo, MI reader:)

Anonymous said...

Grandpa and I loved all the videos so far - still waiting for Levi to appear. It was like having a good visit with all of you when we can't travel to do so yet. Thanks for all your hard work on them. Grandma

Timi said...

Beth is right, is is SO good to SEE you and HEAR YOU :o)!
It's a lovely interview!!! I love it ! And thank you very much for it ♥!!!

carole said...

I love these! Your voice is gorgeous, by the way. :)
Thanks for sharing.

Misha said...

you = gorgeous! : )

Ariana Rose said...

I am surprised by just how much I loved these videos! I used to film my kids a lot more and have got away from it this year, sadly.

I really love that you included a short interview of yourself! Brilliant!

I saw a video the other day of a couple who are engaged. They had a list of questions they were asked (about each other mostly) and I thought I would want to do that sometime with my husband. And it would be also cool to do it on a variety of subjects. I probably won't share any of mine but to have just to look back on would be awesome.

When you said your favorite color is green I noticed your shirt and then Luke (was it Luke filming?) mentioned the same thing, cute!

Seeing your kids on video was so different than pictures! They sound different than I thought they would! Leif looks much older in pictures than he sounds in videos. I thought he was 7 when I saw your photos but he acts exactly Sierra's age (5) in the video which was cool!

Anyway, I'm rambling, should have just said- love these!

Anonymous said...

You're very pretty!

Hannah said...

Heidi, you have a gorgeous smile. Truly.

For a minute there, I thought he was moving in for the kill: "Who is your favorite child?" ;-)

NORTH AND SOUTH forever!!!!

Stefani said...

Aw, it's so fun to hear your voice and see your sweet smile!

Lauren said...

How wonderful! Your interview was so sweet, and your little guy really new just the right questions to ask : ) Thanks for sharing! You have such a precious family!

Maureen@Loving this Life said...

Hi Heidi,
I'm Maureen from Delaware. I you found you a little over a year ago and so enjoy following your blog. I have 3 boys, 8, 7, and 5, so I love seeing what you're up to with yours. Love this idea of doing the interviews! I really need to do this as well. My boys love a video camera, so it shouldn't be hard to get them in front of it. Now, sitting and answering questions...we may have to work on that one. ;)
Thanks for giving us a peek into your lives!