
Sunday, February 22, 2009


It is black & white week at i heart faces. The contest is open to everyone. Consider participating this week. (Entries can be submitted through Wednesday.)


Jen's Whimsical Life said...

Love them both! Great shots!

Anonymous said...

Very nice!

Laurel said...

I love these Heidi! I have to catch up on your blog - been crazy here.

Julie Rivera said...

Your child entry is perfect! I love the pock marked door and texture of the brick wall. Very nice entry!

Jennifer Bowen said...

Love the vignette on both isolates and draws you to the subject. Great job!

Miti said...

I love the shot of the little boy! It's so dramatic!

Carebear said...

Awwww... they are both lovely. Like the way you've cropped them, and the vignette on the last. Great entries!

Melinda said...

I love the way you cropped both of these photos and the vignette on the second is lovely - it really draws your attention right to her lovely eyes!

Tabitha Blue said...

These are both great shots!! My favorite it the first one.. although they are both beautiful!!


Anonymous said...

Love both photos - the boy is adorable and the girl is beautifu.

DawnS said...

I love both of these shots. Your boys are adorable!

Anonymous said...

These are both wonderful! Love the detail in the first photo. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos! I like the vignette on them.

Katarina said...

I love the look on the little boy's face.
Both of these pictures are really good!

jennykate77 said...

Both of the pictures are really beautiful! Great job!

Michelle said...

Beautiful pictures! Good luck!

The Animator's Wife said...

Great use of B & W on that first shot! Can't imagine it any other way. Stunning!

Unknown said...

Very nice entries! I love the character of the building that your son is posing by. Very cool!

Amanda said...

what beautiful pics and subjects!

Corey~living and loving said...

Thank you for the really nice comment on my photos. I love yours as well. the first one has such a great feel to it. well done.
have a happy week!

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

I love the background of the first picture. Well done!

Randi said...

GREAT photos! Both are full of personality and expression! :)

Anonymous said...

Heidi, That is SO Luke! Loved it. And that is Larissa, right? Beautiful picture. Grandma

Bling - our elf on the shelf said...

Both beautiful shots, but I have to admit that the first one blew me away, awsome!

Lara said...

They're both great photos! It's hard to find ones that look good in B & W, but these are both gorgeous.