
Monday, June 23, 2008


At the risk of boring you to death, I want to talk empty frames again. (If you don't remember the first conversations, visit here or here.) A new frame is hanging on my wall, freshly painted a glossy red. I mounted a metal clip on the nail so that I can change out the framed decor as often as I would like without multiple nail holes (and with very little effort). (I bought the metal clip in the office supply section at a local store. They are easy to come by.)

Once I started trying out ideas, I couldn't stop. As always, the possibilities are endless. I love that kind of decor!

First came the dust jacket of a child's picture book. (Dust jackets annoy me and would get thrown out anyway. I glued this one to a piece of cardboard so it would hang flat.) Just for the fun of it, I pulled a few things from around the house to add to the display. I'm thinking I need to redecorate the boys' bedroom!
Since this frame is in our front room, I thought I would see what I could do to make the display a smidge more sophisticated. No problem.

How about a cooking or kitchen theme? I took a piece of black card stock and used chalk to create the menu (which, sadly, does not reflect our dinner menus in any way). Try photocopying a page from a vintage cookbook.
Paper could be used a myriad of ways. Write favorite quotes or verses, for instance, or your happy list.

Enlarge photos and clip:
Display scrapbook pages you've completed:Sheet music. I copied one of Levi's favorite songs from his piano book onto natural colored card stock:

For a great resource, shop for calendars. I found a calendar with pictures of vintage travel posters for a dollar a couple years ago. Use pictures from your old calendars or buy calendars after the first of the year for bottom dollar. Fine art calendars would be especially attractive; rotate the picture every week or two for art study!
Game night, anyone? I grabbed my Scrabble board to see how it would look. Love it! Now I want a game room with a huge collage of frames and game boards. When we're ready to play, we just make our choice from the wall and unclip the board.
Vintage photos and memorabilia. Children's artwork. Maps. Nature sketches. Loose pages out of old books. It is addicting, I tell ya!


Kathy said...

what a beautiful and creative idea! Your blog has recently become one of my faves and since I plan to revamp our homeschool room for the fall I will have to use some of your wonderful ideas! thanks for sharing! kathy

Anonymous said...

(sigh) The possibilities are endless, yet I'd seriously come up with NO ideas (if it weren't for you). Wonderful will never bore me.

Skeller said...

LOVE this!!! Must admit ... I was soooo relieved when you mentioned that your first collection was displayed NOT in your boys' room(s). Because, at first, when I thought that incredibly lovely, adorable display was in their room??? .... I was thinking that I might have to blog what is "displayed" in my boys' room. And, well, it would not be a pretty post. I shudder just a little bit every time I enter their room (which is a bummer, because it's their room that houses the Photoshop computer in our home. sigh).

I continue to think you're brilliant, despite any nay-saying on your part.

Monday blessings to your and yours...

5 Chicks and a Farmer said...

So cute and perfect timing! I'm updating frames and photos around the house. But, I have so many to choose from. I think I'm going to do this on a wall. I need to hit up some garage sales and start collecting old frames.

Thanks for sharing!

Heidi said...

skeller~ LOL! Well, my boys are still very young so they don't have any say in their bedroom decor. :) Plus we have a(n undecorated) playroom that is in a constant state of disaster. I try to keep their bedroom in decent order at least. I imagine that imposing my aethetic sensibilities on them will be more difficult as they get older....

Jen Rouse said...

Such great ideas!

Anonymous said...

Once again Heidi I am INSPIRED! I love this idea, and you know how I love "empty" frames! Thanks for sharing your creative cuteness! ~Jen

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

I love it Heidi! I really like the idea of putting our picture study art up there! It's much more decorative that way!

Another idea would be those lap books opened up to display, if you make those!

Thanks for the inspiration!

Dreams of a Country Girl said...

i think i will use it to hang Middle Twerps underwear cause we can NEVER seem to find a clean pair...I am very are very creative and perfect....Ah. I am so jealous.

Anonymous said...

Love this idea! And the red frame is a perfect color.

Precision Quality Laser said...

How fun! You are always so inspirational :)


Mrs. Q

Kristi~The Slipcover Girl said...

I love your blog & this idea! I'm going to be a big fat copycat!

Tearz said...

I stumbled upon your blog a while ago, and just wanted you know that I check it everytime you post something new. I love your ideas and with two toddler boys, this idea is awesome for their endless art work. Keep on with the ideas!

Elise said...

Hi Heidi

I never get bored of your framing ideas. You come up with such diverse options, so it's always fresh and exciting.

Wow, the possibilities you've already discovered. I love the idea of displaying dust jackets. They annoy me too, but I can't bring myself to throwing them out. I could use your idea to display them and how easy is it to change the display.

Thank you for sharing.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE this idea! Thanks for sharing! Your pictures are all amazing! New to your blog and WOW! I do believe I will be returning and very soon!

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

Oh that is too cool! I found your site through Darcy @ the boybarians. I can tell you really are a book lover! Me too!

Laura said...

I love it. You're just plain ole' genius at this stuff.

Unknown said...

Does anyone else out there think Heidi needs to create a meet the artist workshop and we all fly in to meet her and tour her home??? I am impressed and inspired. Do you ever wonder how many blog friends use your ideas? I bet lots!

Heidi said...

Thanks, again, everyone!

Kiley~ :) Really, the house isn't very impressive in person...and then I would have to have it all clean at one time rather than just enough to take a picture of one spot, LOL. Have you taken the virtual house tour? It is over on the side bar under the family picture. Click on 'open house.' I do hope my blog friends have fun doing the projects and using the ideas!

Leslie said...

Very neat idea! I especially like the picture study idea. I always get frustrated with keeping up with those prints.

I have an old black frame on my wall. I love it because it is falling apart and the chain on the back is just as intriguing as the frame itself. I hung a little wreath of berries in the middle of it. :)

Unknown said...

I have loved this idea from the moment I read it on your blog. I just completed my own frames for my house this week. I linked to you for the inspirational idea but thought you might like to see what I did with mine. Just posted it this evening...