
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

One Clover, and a Bee

To make a prairie
it takes a clover and one bee,
One clover, and a bee,
And revery.
The revery alone will do,
If bees are few.

~Emily Dickinson


Mumsy said...

Oh, Heidi! Those pictures are stunning!

I dream about having hives and a field like that so I can enjoy raw honey. Mmmm...

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous photos. Aren't the colours fabulous?

Simply Me... said...

Heidi, I love visiting your blog, so much to look at so many fun things, thanks so much for sharing! I'll be back real soon :)


Anonymous said...

I just finished reading The Secret Life of Bees last night. Thanks for the visual this morning!!! :)

Dreams of a Country Girl said... usual.

did you ever get my comment about frank lloyd wright and LOVING FRANK?

Heidi said...

Country Girl~ I don't remember that comment. Did you leave it recently? Not sure how I missed it...

Thanks, everyone else. :) I drive by that field and those hives over and over (it is less than a mile from my house) and I kept thinking that the colors of the hives were awesome and I needed to get some photos! Isn't it crazy how something so simple can make your day every time you see it?

Skeller said...

I think I just had an epipany (a silly one, but one nonetheless...). This aqua-y, turquoise-y blue must be my all time favorite color. I'm struck speechless when the ocean is this color. I dressed all my baby boys in this color. I LOVE all these gorgeous photos of yours.

This hue of blue never fails to lighten my spirits...

Beautiful photos, beautifully processed. And the quote is just perfect.

Elise said...

Hi Heidi

What a stunning field and those colours are just gorgeous. So beautiful.


Donna Boucher said...

The color of those "hives" is just beeyouteeful!!!

I never heard that wonderful quote before. I love it!

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

What is your favorite camera to work with? I am getting ready to replace my old one and would love a pro's advice. :)

Heidi said...

Beth~ Favorite implies that I've worked with a few cameras to compare... :) My husband purchased me (I don't know if he thought he was purchasing it for me at the time :)) a Nikon D50 which I love (and having nothing with which to compare it). I'll take the 'pro' as a wonderful comment, but have to be honest and haven't even read my users manual, LOL. That's on the to-do list for July. :)