
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Photoshop Actions

I think I'm in love.

Straight out of camera (SOOC):
'Super Fun Happy' Photoshop Action from Totally Rad Actions (and, boy, am I feeling Super Fun Happy!):
'Vintage' Photoshop Action from Pioneer Woman:


Jenny said...

I really want to learn how to use photoshop. Is it very hard for the complete beginner to use?

Heidi said...

If you are a beginner like me, the answer is, 'yes, it is very hard.' I just haven't had the brain cells available to apply myself and learn all of the technical steps. That is why actions are so much fun. You press one button and voila! They do all the work for you. :) See, I'm a cheater, LOL.

Bella Art Girl said...

ok...I think we are going to have a fun meet and greet [at least I am] because I have been playing with actions a lot lately and loving it. Thanks for the pioneer act connections. Also, I am kicking myself that I didn't know that Susan Wise Bauer was anywhere near here or I would have also tried to go see her. Can't wait to take a moment and read and catch up. Can't wait to talk in person.

Anonymous said...

Yah! Have you tried PW's "lovely and ethereal"? It's one of my favorites!

Laurel said...

Do you need full Photoshop or can you do these on PS Elements? I have PSE and am forcing myself to learn more. I like the finished product but not the journey:)! Very fun though ... maybe I'll buckle down.

Laura said...

Gorgeous photos, Heidi! Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I passed an award on to you on my blog. I love referring people to your site. Thanks for the inspiration.

Skeller said...

Oooh, yes! Actions are fun fun FUN!!! I'm drooling over the TRA1 & 2 sets. Someday....
(btw, did you know that on the Super Fun Happy action you can bring color saturation back in? If you look at the "red" layer, you can turn the opacity down to bring back the reds. I absolutely adore Super Fun Happy!!!)

Love this photo and your edits to it!!!

Heidi said...

Bella Art Girl~ I can't wait to chat! I've loved the photos and effects you've posted on your blog and was planning on asking you what editing program you use. :) Drat! I wish I would have mentioned that we were heading up to hear Susan. Sorry about that. I'm hoping she comes back to Oregon or Washington next year!

Candidreflections~ I like that one, too. :)

Laurel~ I'm not positive but I think you have to have the full photoshop to do these actions, but surely there are some available for Elements. Wish I was the one to answer that question...

Laura~ Thanks! I'm heading over to your blog now to check it out.

skeller~ Oh, that would require having mad skilz, of which I have none. I really need to work on acquiring some. :) I think Super Fun Happy is my favorite so far. I asked my hubby for the TRA sets for the next holiday. Do I get gifts for Independence Day? :)

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Okay, Heidi, I especially love the vintage one! Tell me about actions. I have Photoshop CS3 (my husband got it for me for Christmas). It really intimidated me just to look at it. I haven't done ANYTHING with it. Is actions something you do with it, or can you give me ANY pointers at all? I'm truly a beginner when it comes to touching up photos. I guess I have the "eye" for photography and photograph all the time, but what you see is what you get when I print them.
~ Tammy

Skeller said...

Heidi -
I promise: it doesn't take mad skillz!!! Next time you try Super Fun Happy (btw, that's the one I used on my Father's Day post, and I brought some of the red back), look at the four layers it opens. Click on the "red" layer. Up on the layer palette it should say something like opacity 40%. If you click on the triangle next to that 40%, it brings up a sliding scale. Slide that between 0% & 40% to bring more color back in. It sounds more complicated than it is. Try it. It'll give you all sorts of new possibilities with Super Fun Happy.

And be sure to let me know if July 4 counts as a holiday, cause TRA is on my "want" list, too :-)

Anonymous said...

Maybe if you make it a "special day" for hubby you can just go ahead and purchase that TRA.

Or do you just purchase things anyway? I know you are trying to be "good" about the budget and all.


Heidi said...

This Country Girl~ I know nothing. Seriously. I am so the wrong person to ask. I'll pretend for two seconds that I know what I'm talking about: actions are sets of steps that someone else has created and lumped into a 'press this button and it will do all the steps for you' sort of thing. I downloaded them from the two links on this post by sheer luck. In the comments on PW's post about the downloads, some kind person explained the steps to download the actions. I can't even remember what they were. I think I followed those same steps at TRA. Helpful, huh? LOL.

skeller~ When I said I have no mad skillz, I really should have said that I have no skills at all and no brain cells to rub together. I won't even tell you how long I've spent looking for the four layers. And still nada. I've probably messed up my whole screen with any previous wild experiments I've performed. :)

anonymous~ Hmmm. What a great idea. Oh, and yes, I usually just purchase things, but this is in the 'for absolutely no good reason' catagory that makes me feel a little guilty. The budget thing, well.... LOL.

Anonymous said...

I'm back!!!! :) Heidi, I have been lurking for about a week...the cruise was A-mazing!!! Love what you've posted over the past while. Your canvas is writing leaves little to be desired, so my canvas would look like a doctor's prescription!

Heidi, I didn't see a like for an email addy, but I do want to ask you something via email (nothing personal!). Could you email me?

Skeller said...

hmmmm..... scratching head .... can you see the layer palette? it opens up with 1 layer already: the background layer. then when you hit your action, you should get a 2nd layer: SuperFunHappy. when I hit superfunhappy, my layer palette shows me all four layers of superfunhappy, but maybe your palette defaults to just showing one. try clicking on the triangle (left of?) next to superfunhappy layer. it should open all four layers. C'mon Heidi, if I can do this (and your description of yourself equally fits ME!!), you can, too!!!

Anonymous said...

Pressing F7 will show or hide your layer palette.

You "might" be able to run actions in Elements. Check out this paper on how to do this.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the to the Totally Rad! site. I've been looking for something simple like that for a while now. Much appreciated! :)